Page 117 of Reckless Obsession

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He whistles. “This is a beaut. What’d it set you back?”

“A grand, but I’ve had it for years.” And killed quite a few people with it.

Mark proceeds to show me some of his 3D printed polymer ghost guns he’s not willing to sell, and then tempts me with a gorgeous nine-gauge shotgun. If Kieran’s pilot sees me get on the plane with a fucking shotgun, he’ll crash the plane on purpose.

I buy the two basic ghost guns and tell him I’ll think about the shotgun.

Back in the city limits, I head out to meet the loan shark Cormac used to finance his drug habit until they stopped fronting him cash.

After negotiating twenty-five cents on the dollar for each of Cormac’s loans—anything more and he was eating bullets—I get the scumbag’s wire info.

After I wrap that up, I track down Cormac’s drug supplier, who is not as cooperative, but finds the time to brag about selling to kids. When I see his pregnant wife sporting a black eye, I put a bullet in his head.

A call to Balor, who hands me off to Shane, erases all traces of me from nearby cameras.

Back at the villa, I put the bloodied suit in a plastic bag and bury it in a suitcase. I’ll have it dry cleaned in New York by a guy we trust to get grisly stains out of our clothes.

Wearing nothing but gray sweatpants, I sit in the office and process the payment to the loan shark, sending copies of my day’s activities to the family group chat.

Riordan: Have you met with Lazaro Scava yet?

Me: No. Wondering if I should skip the underboss and go right to his brother, Nico.

Riordan: I would be furious if someone blew me off.

Me: You don’t put hits on innocent people. I worry this guy Lazaro is touched.

Lachlan: What’s wrong with being touched?

Here we go…

Me: I’m doing my own recon here with these people. I’m fucking alone.

Balor: Recon? You? So you don’t need me?

Rolling my eyes, I grind out…

Me: Get off my back. Any one of you can get your ass here to do it. How the fuck did this end up being my problem?

Nothing comes through for a minute and then Balor drops this bomb…

Balor: You’re the only one without a kid or a kid on the way. And I'm, well, irreplaceable.

That sets me back. Am I fucking expendable?

Me: I’m working on that.

Kieran: What?

Me: Signing off.

A knock at the door stills me and with so much going on, I didn’t realize it’s after 1 p.m. That must be Jillian. My dick stiffens instantly.

I yank open the door and practically lunge for her.

“Wait. Stop!” She steps back. “Friday was…”

Don’t say a mistake.
