Page 124 of Reckless Obsession

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Looking closer, I see it’s a text and not a chat through the City Sinners app. No, my Jillian doesn’t grovel. That’s my job.

I pull over and text back.

Me: Hi, you okay?

Was it that easy for Johnny to dump her and tell her to go back to the man who really wants her? Sure, this was fun, but exhausting and dangerous.

Jillian: Yeah, I was just wondering….

Me: Wondering what, sparkles?

I hope she’ll ask me to finish what Johnny started. Only, I’m wearing the same damn clothes.

Three dots appear then disappear. This goes on for a few minutes.

Jillian: Never mind. TTYS.

I toss the phone on the passenger seat and swing back into traffic.

Since trying to scare her with rough sex failed, I used indifference and brutal honesty that Johnny or anyone on an app will never care for her the way I do.

I want her to want me, the real me. I hoped by acting cold as Johnny, she’d back off. I can’t even bear to see if she’s messaging him on the app.

Back at the villa, I grab a fifth of whiskey. I’m tempted to drink right from the bottle, until I catch my reflection in the wall of windows.

It’s the second night I’ve wanted to drink to push away emotions I can’t handle.

This has to end. I have to come clean about what I’ve done.



The next afternoon, I call Vance and demand a meeting. He forced me to stick around to analyze their case, but his courier is working on another one. His assistant says he can’t see me for two days. As if I’m sitting in this villa with my thumb up my arse.

I’ve made use of the time to draw up the legal documents needed for Riordan’s daughter, who they named Saoirse Rose.

My eyes never wander far from my phone.

Jillian has iced me out and Johnny’s account on the app is silent. She’s not begging him for another fantasy.

I’m losing her…

When Vance’s assistant keeps me on hold, I hang up and grab my suit jacket.

At the guard’s desk in the D.A.’s building, where I wait an infuriating twenty minutes on a line, I say through gritted teeth, “Daniel Vance. Tell him Eoghan O’Rourke is here to see him, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

I half expect the minimum wage civil servant to tell me to fuck off. But the tone of my voice signals I’m a man of power. The guard makes the call, and with an impressive set of balls, repeats my message to Vance.

The guard nods, taps into a computer and a sticker badge, the most insulting thing ever, spits out. My shoulders relax as I remind myself where I am. There’s nothing stopping me from ending up in handcuffs.

“Sixth floor, sir.”

“Thank you.” Slapping the stupid sticker on my brand new five-thousand-dollar silk suit jacket, I strut to the elevator.

Vance’s floor and the entire building is banal to the point I want to vomit. My office has plush carpet, elegant jacquard wall covering, and expensive artwork. From the look of the dingy, unadorned walls, this place hasn’t seen a fresh coat of paint in twenty years.

Sauntering down a center aisle to reach Daniel’s back corner office, my eyes scan the area looking for Jillian’s shape. But when I don’t see her, my heart sinks.
