Page 147 of Reckless Obsession

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By how meticulous this surgery center looks, I don’t doubt him.

“I have an idea to take your mind off your ma,” he whispers.

I’m sure he’s suggesting more sex, but I don’t know if that’s crude or the greatest idea in the world.

I play dumb. “How?”

“Come with me.” He leads me back to the Wagoneer, but instead of getting busy in the backseat, he drives us out of the parking lot.

My eyes start to water when he pulls into an iHop. I love this man.

We grab breakfast to go and drive back to the house. While I’m moving the pancakes to plates, Eoghan presents me with the evidence bags from my suitcase.

“Let’s deal with this right now.”

Nodding, I dial into my server from my phone and give him the codes. “You mentioned you had a hunch about something.”

“Aye.” Sipping fresh coffee, Eoghan paws through the files. “After this, I don’t know what more I can do. I’m so done with this case. I’m done with your brother.”

When I don’t say anything, he looks up. “I know that sounds harsh. It’s only because I’d rather focus on you and us. Figuring out how to make us work.”

And there it is.

All the ‘you’re mine’ may have been for effect in the beginning. His lust and power taking over his better senses.

Now it’s real.

I give a soft nod. “I want that, too.”

“Good.” He leans over and kisses me on the forehead. “Now, I need to do something, you’re not going to like.”

Before I can ask or protest, he takes out his phone, and I think he’s going to snap a selfie of me and him.

Instead, his phone starts clicking photos of the evidence, doing exactly what Daniel said to avoid. Then Eoghan outdoes the violation when he tells me he’s sending it to his brother Balor.

“It may take a few days, but Balor will find out what the hell happened to your witnesses,” he says.




Mom wakes up from surgery groggy and so sick to her stomach that she vomits. A nurse comes in to clean her up. I’m concerned, but also dying of embarrassment that Eoghan’s witnessing this. His face, however, shows only concern.

We help her eat the light soup sent up for her, and with her new pain meds, she’s calm.

“We’ll get your mom to sit up and take a few steps either tomorrow or Saturday,” a nurse says. “And then she’ll be moved to our rehab facility.”

I close my eyes and tension settles into my shoulders. I hoped she’d be in rehab by later today. Only because I feel terrible for keeping Eoghan here.

Although, he looks like there’s no place he’d rather be.

“Are you sure this doesn’t make you worry about your mother?” I say, fearing I’m just a reminder of his own pain.

“No,” he says firmly. “In fact, because there’re so many of us and my da has turned lethally possessive about who goes near her, helping your ma gives me a sense of usefulness.”

When he turns away, I cup his shoulder from behind. “Did something happen when you went home?”
