Page 165 of Reckless Obsession

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“I’m coming up to explain. Pass. Now.”

“Fine.” The line goes dead.

I cut the engine and cross to the main entrance to get my pass. Riding the elevator, I take pleasure that this is the last time I have to meet with this man.

In this capacity.

I hope the next time I see him, I’m in a tux, his sister in a wedding dress, and he’ll have to sit through my church vows knowing he can never fuck with her again. I won’t allow it.

I get to Vance’s office and my world rearranges seeing Jillian waiting for me. She moves stiffly. Like she’s afraid of Vance. Or she’s afraid of being who she really is.


“You better have a revised brief for me, O’Rourke. Days. My statute runs out in days.” Vance gives me a once-over and then Jillian dressed in her cute jeans, boots, and trench coat. “Looks like you fucking my sister took some of the wind out of those Harvard legal sails.”

I level murderous eyes on him. “I have something better than a legal brief. And your sister is an adult. What she does is none of your fucking business. I also didn’t hear a thank you for what I did for your mother.”

Jillian gasps, pulling my eyes toward her. “Don’t worry, sparkles. I don’t want his thank you. It was a privilege to spend that week with you and your ma.”

“Get on with it, O’Rourke,” Vance seethes, the heartless prick. “What do you have for me? I can have your brother—”

“Scava murdered our witnesses,” Jillian blurts, placing the documents on his desk.

Fury sizzles up my spine. I wanted to tell him. Not because I want credit, but because I used ill-gotten means to get it. I don’t want to dirty Jillian up. More than I already have.

“What?” Vance squawks.

“I got ahold of those three death certificates for you,” I say. “The details match the accountants you deposed. That’s the reason Borgia’s lawyers keep playing games, asking for continuances.” I look at Jillian and nod tightly at her to finish.

“They’re all dead, Daniel,” she says, fear in her voice. “They were buying time to kill them off.”

Daniel’s jaw ticks, hope draining from his face.

“Put your top investigators on this.” I stab the death certificates Jillian dropped on his desk with my finger. “Blow off your bullshit money laundering case. Prosecute them for murder. No statute of limitations.”

Daniel glances at Jillian.

She can’t prosecute a murder case against the Cosa Nostra. It’s simply not in her wheelhouse. Her specialty is corruption and financial crimes.

I’d also never allow it. I’d never allow her to make that kind of enemy.

“As far as I’m concerned, Vance, I’ve given you what you needed, what we agreed upon. I’m going home.” I stomp to the glass door, pausing for one final look at Jillian.

My signal is clear. Go home and pack, you’re coming to New York with me. Forever.

I reluctantly leave her with her boss, her brother. I’m tempted to drag her out of here, but I won’t. I want her to leave with her head held high.

My last order of business was sending a warning to the Borgias that we know they tried to kill Darragh. They conspired with Cormac, so they would have believed me when I revealed what I knew about what went down in Seattle. He was there.

Part of the meeting with Lazaro Scava was to ask for retribution, the heads on a stick of every single man who pulled a trigger against Darragh.

Cormac killed one. It wasn’t enough.

Until today.

Fuck all that. I leave here with the strange satisfaction of knowing Lazaro Scava will be charged with murdering the money-laundering witnesses.

We just spent three years fighting a war with the Bratva. I’m not starting a new one with the Vegas Cosa Nostra.
