Page 48 of Reckless Obsession

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I’d rather be home with my vibrator thinking of Eoghan.



Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Every hour Jillian is in that house with her book club buddies eats away at my sanity.

I followed her, and hacked into the home’s Wi-Fi to watch her on their security cameras. This one Balor helped me with. I told him it was a possible trafficking ring the Borgias set up.

I’m not sure he believed me, but he did it anyway.

I listened to the book Jillian lied about.

Love in the Shadows

It’s astonishing how people narrate this stuff with a straight face. I smile, watching Jillian’s expression as her book club besties gush and she looks ready for a nap.

Soothed by just watching her, I sit back in my rental and soak her in. She’s my new favorite reality show.

She drinks one glass of wine, but eats a fuck ton of food. I don’t blame her, it all looked tasty. What I didn’t like was the guilty look on her face with every bite.

How does she not realize how fucking beautiful she is?

Before long, my Jillian is in her car.

Following her home, I tense, thinking she might stop somewhere. Get another drink closer to home. Her app is still quiet, and from the texts with her friend, I know it upsets her.

Just you wait, sparkles.

She makes it home and after she’s inside the building, I check the cameras and watch her cute evening routine.

With a yawn, she falls into bed and that’s when I make my move.

Just watching isn’t enough anymore. Too many hours have gone by where I’ve not smelled her perfume. I park in the lot, and thanks to the neighbor’s extra key card I swiped from his hallway console, I get into a lot access door and head straight to her floor.

An empty hall greets me, and with a stiff spine and tight jaw, I head to the neighbor’s apartment like I own the fucking building. I’m less noticeable going in there since it’s clearly a bachelor pad for some douchebag.

Inside, I pass through the bland rooms, head straight for the balcony, and hop over the railing.

Jillian’s in her bed, her chest rising and falling.

She drops off to a deep sleep rather fast from what I’ve seen. I’ve rigged her bedroom slider to not lock even though she flips the lever. I’ve also oiled it, so it doesn’t make noise.

Slowly, I step inside and my heart pounds as I approach her.

This is what I live for every day.

I’ve done this every night.

It gets more and more exciting each time.

Each time I get a little bolder, all while knowing, if she catches me, so the fuck what? I’ll calm her down with my cock.

But she doesn’t wake up.

Before heading to her bed, I knock off an item from my to-do list and then stare down at her. She’s so fucking beautiful and angelic.
