Page 60 of Reckless Obsession

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No Jillian

Other than watching her in her condo, which is getting pretty fucking boring, compared to the real thing. I miss smelling her skin, and getting hard as she bites her lip when I talk dirty to her.

By Thursday I’m a ravenous lunatic.

I spent the past two days paying visits to casino bosses to smooth over my brother’s violations by paying them off. Any O’Rourke on a ban list is bad for our image.

The state-of-the-art gym in Darragh’s building sees the punishing side of me, and I push my limits to sweat and burn muscle.

The way Jillian looks at me, her eyes moving over every ridged ab and curve feels like I’m getting blown.

I’ve not had her mouth on me yet, and that needs to happen soon.

My phone buzzes and growls swirl in my chest, pulling me from my thoughts. It’s a message to the City Sinners App.

Gemma7: Free tonight? Ten p.m.

I’m fucking giddy. What the hell is happening to me? I feel like a thirteen-year-old boy finding out from his friends that his girlfriend is going to let him feel her up. The scorching electricity seizes my soul.

Teasing her and yes, punishing her, I wait to answer until I get into the villa.

Sweat drips from my face, as well as every other inch of me.

Gemma7: Johnny?

Smiling, I take a shower, torturing her the way she tortures me.

Before answering, I peek at the camera. My heart aches. She’s sitting on her bed with her head in those dainty hands, staring at the phone.

“Oh, no sparkles. I’m sorry.” I immediately sign into the app and respond.

Me: Fucking on a Thursday night? Cool. Can’t wait… Just tell me where.



“Wow, it’s dark out here,” I mutter to myself, passing the last gas station before entering Blue Diamond Desert.

According to the Las Vegas Visitor website, one quarter mile on Route 160 West past the convenience store is deserted.


A spike of fear sends quivers down my spine that I’m letting a stranger on an app fuck me. But that’s what City Sinners is for. I haven’t seen any news reports of women gone missing who’ve used the app.

Let’s hope I’m not the first.

Plus, I’m not naive when it comes to technology. App users leave an electronic footprint when they log in. Cell phones are tracked. There are probably easier ways to kill a woman and get away with it, than to do it at an agreed-upon location in a public app.

We didn’t set an exact location. Johnny has to find my car which I hope riles him up, challenges him, gets him excited.

He set the bar pretty high, promising me multiple orgasms.

Only from reading smutty romance novels do I know what to expect as far as sexual positions, and erogenous zones. For both men and women.

Eoghan invades my mind as I picture myself in multiple positions with him. I pause, lifting my foot off the gas. He wanted to sleep with me again, but I turned him down.
