Page 95 of Reckless Obsession

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“If that’s a no, I don’t believe you.” Eoghan closes my door and struts to the other side.

The way he climbs into the driver’s seat, a wicked and wild déjà vu hits me.

Shaking that away, I turn to check the backseat and wonder if there’s any trace that I was back there waiting for a man to fuck me. Only, Johnny dragged me out by my dress and pushed me down into the dirt… I have to stop.

Eoghan would lose his shit. I brace for his accusations while I concoct a lie.

He doesn’t even look in the backseat. I sniff and don’t notice any other detectable scents other than his cologne. Come to think of it, Johnny didn’t wear cologne. I just smelled soap.

A rich aroma of something very light and fresh.

I rub my hands on my skirt, when I ask, “We’re really going to your villa?”

“Aye,” he answers, and he squeezes my thigh.

“And how will you get your car?”

He glances at me with a frown. “You think I’ll have trouble getting a mile from the villa?”

“Just looking out for you.”

“Don’t.” He squeezes harder, his fingers reaching the hem. “I look out for you.”

We park in his garage with barely a wave to the attendant. He takes the spot next to the one I’d been parking in. His spot.

“You open that door, we’re gonna have a problem, Jillian.” He uses my actual name and not the biting, cutesy nickname. Damn, hearing him say Jillian turns me on.

“Habit.” I release the handle.

Eoghan gets out and opens my door. He reaches down and I take his hand, deepening the gesture. With that hand now on the small of my back, he walks me to the elevator.

He looks around, as I’m guessing any mafia man would, given all their enemies.

And here I am, on one of their arms like a sitting duck.



The kissing starts in the elevator, confusing me. If I’m just a fuck, why all the kissing? But damn, Eoghan has amazing lips and an even better technique.

His entire mouth covers mine and those hands never leave my face. They’re so big, both thumbs stroke my jaw.

My heart patters against my ribs and my stomach feels like butterflies are fluttering their wings to get out.

“Fuck, these lips are so damn sweet, I can’t get enough of you. I want all of you tonight, Jillian. I’m going to sink my cock deep inside you and you’re going to love it. I want to hear you moan my name. Don’t be shy, sparkles.”

“You’re killing me with that dirty talk.”

“You put these dirty thoughts into my head. Just looking at you in those tight skirts and blouses kills me. Did you think you can show off that spectacular hour-glass figure for long and I wouldn’t eventually hold you down and fuck you senseless?”

Um… I don’t answer because how can I top that?

When the elevator slides open to his villa, Eoghan brings me to the living room windows and holds me against them.

I know what kind of strength is in this glass, and I won’t fall, but Eoghan’s mouth on mine and the cool feel of the sleek surface has nerves skittering through me.

I think he’ll go feral on me, start pawing at me since we’re in his private villa, but then he surprises me by deepening the kiss.
