Page 98 of Reckless Obsession

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When I squeeze, Eoghan gasps and fumbles to speak.

“Oh Christ, Jillian, I’m going to–”

Lust sweeps through me, that I brought him to that place.

My mouth tightens around him because I want it. I want to taste his cum. I want it all.

Eoghan bellows a guttural moan from deep in his throat. Grainy and heady, baritone, like he’s not the same man on the verge of coming.

“Aw, fuck, Jill–” It’s all he gets out when his cock swells up and then shudders, pulsating into my mouth.

Hot spurts of cum coat my throat. He takes out his cock and strokes himself so the thick, salty, ropes pool on my tongue.

I swallow what I can, but he pulls me up and kisses me, his tongue rough in my mouth. It’s wild and frantic, feeling on the verge of madness.

“That was fucking amazing. You little minx. Looking all innocent and that’s what your mouth can do to a man?” The low tenor of his voice hints at a warning that I’m not to use this skill on another man.

If I thought coming in my mouth would calm him, I was very wrong.

“Bed. Now.” Eoghan lifts me and whisks me down a hall.

Kicking open a door, he throws me onto a big bed. From the scents around me, he’s been sleeping in this room. He leans forward, still naked, his body warm. Beads of sweat cling to him, which are now soaking into my blouse.

I think that’s part of his game. Marking me.

Eoghan reaches under my skirt and tears my lace thong down, letting it teeter on one ankle. I think this won’t matter until he pulls my right leg up and the panty hangs like a flag over his shoulder.

The scene hits me, how Eoghan has leveled me out to my baser instincts. My black patent-leather Mary-Janes sit on his shoulders with a lacy panty dangling so this naked God can lift my skirt and bury his face between my thighs, inhaling me deeply.

“You keep this patch of hair, right here, do you understand? I love it like this.”

I don’t get why he orders me around, but it gets me so hot.

“I’ll keep it.”

“You’ll keep it, what?” His thumb presses on my clit, like a button.

My entire lower region seizes. “Um, I’ll keep it, sir?”

Surely, that’s what men like him in my books want to be called.

“No. You’ll keep your cunt the way I like it for…”

I exhale. “For you.”

“Good girl. For me.” He levels me with his hungry gaze. “Did I not tell you enough times, you’re fucking mine?”

“You told me,” I squeak, not understanding if these are pick-up lines, nuclear dirty talk, or if he means what he’s saying.

How can he mean it if he knows we can never be in a relationship?

Eoghan’s tongue hits my clit with delicate, slow sweeps that have me arching off the damn bed.

His bed. My God, what am I doing?

The pleasure blanks out my mind as he sucks my clit into his mouth with a wet and wild tongue.

“Eoghan,” I cry out, my hands pushing on his shoulders to stop, it’s too intense.
