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"Get the fuck off my property before I have you arrested," I growl, my voice low and dangerous.

This drunk idiot charges at me, his fists balled up and eyes wild with intoxicated rage. In one swift motion, I grab the collar of his shirt and yank him forward, our faces inches apart.

His friends take a hesitant step forward, but I shoot them a withering glare that freezes them in place. The drunk guy struggles against my grip, spittle flying from his lips as he hurls drunken insults.

"You think you're better than me? Huh? Your fancy club and your pretty little posters?"

His words are a slurred mess, the stench of alcohol fuming with each breath.

"I'll show you. I'll show all of you!"

His attempts to free himself are futile, his strength no match for mine. With a contemptuous sneer, I release him, letting him stumble backwards.

"And don't even think about coming back to Club Allure," I snarl before turning on my heel and striding away, leaving the pathetic group behind.

As I approach the front entrance, the roar of the crowd waiting to get in washes over me.

Hundreds of New York's wealthiest socialites and celebrities are lined up, giddy with anticipation for tonight's exclusive concert event. Their eager screams and chatter fill the air with an electric vibe that never fails to thrill me.

I glance up at the massive marquee emblazoned with the name "Drea Joy." She's a pop princess whose music is all the rage with my youthful clientele these days.

Her sugary anthems about heartbreak and self-empowerment aren't really my style, but she draws a crowd. And in this business, the crowd is everything.

To cater to an even broader demographic, I booked Logan Channing to open for her. The bad boy rocker's gritty sound and rebellious image are sure to balance out Drea Joy's more wholesome appeal.

It's all about giving people what they want. Even if their tastes baffle me sometimes.

I weave through the throngs of well-dressed patrons, nodding politely at the occasional familiar face as I make my way to the entrance.

My staff is a well-oiled machine, checking IDs and stamping wrists with practiced efficiency under the watchful eyes of my security team.

"Doors open in fifteen, Damien," Vince, the head of security, murmurs into his headset as I pass. I give him a curt nod of acknowledgment.

Club Allure is my empire, my life's work. Alongside my business partners and best friends—Jackson Pierce, Ethan Callahan, Landon Sinclair, and Andres Winchester. We've built this exclusive playground for Manhattan's elite from the ground up.

From booking the talent to marketing to security, every aspect is carefully curated to create an unparalleled nightlife experience.

Tonight's concert is just the latest event in our ongoing evolution. With our recent decision to transition Club Allure into a private members-only establishment.

We need high-profile events like this to drive interest and cement our status as the city's premiere destination for the fabulously wealthy.

Leaving the organized chaos of the entrance behind, I head up the sleek staircase to the VIP lounge where my partners are waiting. This is our inner sanctum, our home base from which we oversee every decadent detail of the club's operations.

I push through the heavy doors into the plush VIP area. Jackson and Haley are cuddled up on one of the oversized sofas, whispering intimately.

Ethan sits across from them with his wife, Kristine, sitting on his lap. Even Landon has brought a date tonight, some willowy blonde model draped over him possessively.

Andres slouches in the corner, swirling his scotch. He scans the room, a faint sneer on his lips. He knocks back the liquor, silently waiting for the event to start.

As I join them, grabbing a tumbler of scotch from the bar, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Not just for the success of Club Allure, but for the family we've forged together through all our shared struggles and triumphs.

These people are more than just business partners. They're the only real family I've ever known.

"There he is," Jackson calls out with a teasing grin, raising his glass in mock salute. "Everything ready for tonight, Damien?"
