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“What’s the second issue?” I ask, feigning disinterest.

“Steele industries.”

For the second time today, my muscles tense. This time, there’s no hiding the way I freeze or the shifting of my expression.

“What?” I ask quietly.

Rico studies me for a second. “Something else you’re keeping secret, cugina?” he asks.

“No,” I say, trying and failing to keep the bite from my voice. “What’s up with Steele industries?”

“Well I remembered you used to date that guy who’s a Steele, so I thought you’d be interested in knowing that they’re opening a branch of the company here in New York.”

The casual way he mentions my only real relationship to date, has my heart clenching.


“In a few weeks or so. I don’t have all the info. I just know cause one of our business partners is their biggest rival in the country.”

“I know,” I manage to say. I look up at my cousin. “Thanks for letting me know, Rico. Anything else?”

He shakes his head and after a moment’s hesitation, he’s walking out of the office. As soon as he’s gone, I’m opening my laptop to hack into some servers and figure out anything and everything there is to know about the Steele’s opening in New York. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to find. They’re a tech company that specializes in cyber security. I’ve never been able to successfully hack in. Which is really pissing me off because I need information on this new development.

It takes a while but I slowly start to convince myself not to worry so much. There’s no way in hell Alexander Steele would come here to New York. He has avoided this place like a plague for years.

Still a part of me is worried. Rico just asked me about the secrets I’m keeping and the truth is there are too many to count. With me finding out about both Solokova and the Steeles on the same day is suspicious and doesn’t feel much like a coincidence.

It’s like there’s a noose around my neck and it’s closing with each passing day. And while I might be perfect when it comes to most things, my Achilles heel has always been the relationships in my life.

I’m terrified that when the truth does come out, the fallout will be irreparable and I’ll have lost everyone I love. The past ten years have been hell. And despite the fact that I act like I’m okay, I do so with the knowledge that I could crumble at any moment.



My father had very traditional ideas when it came to raising his children. He had a deep set idea of what he wanted us to be, how he wanted us to act, who he wanted us to be. We were raised with iron fists from a very young age. Even his mistress’s son, who he eventually married, I believe in order to legitimize his other son’s existence.

That might not be completely fair of me. Perhaps he did love her. I’m sure he did. But back then, I was a child, too young to remember anything. What I do remember is having a family that was just myself and my parents. They were both distant and I was raised by a nanny for a good chunk of the time. Then when I turned five years old, I met my brother.

Graham was only a year younger than me and his existence was a complete scandal at the time. It was also the push my mom needed to get out of her marriage. She didn’t hesitate. After milking my father for all the alimony she could, she was just gone. She returned a few times over the years. She returned on my father’s wedding day to Isabella just to spite her. But she only ever came out of self-benefit. Not for me. My mother was absent for most of my life. I grew up without one.

The first few years after my father’s marriage to Isabella, I stayed away from her. In my adolescent mind, she was the reason my parents broke up. I hated her and I hated her son. I understood better as I grew older though, understood that she was just as trapped in my father’s orbit as I was. Most people tend to be unable to leave once Richard Steele has stuck his teeth into you. His talent is in controlling people, poking at their weakness. It’s why he’s being able to maintain his empire, why Steele Industries has flourished under his reign.

While I eventually came to like Isabella, to accept her, the same couldn’t be said for my younger brother. Graham Steele is the epitome of brash, rude and uncaring about the way his actions affect those around him. He and I have been pitted against each other since we were young. Forced to compete for everything we wanted. Our father’s love, material things, even Isabella’s love. She might have been Graham’s birth mother, but she tries her best not to let that influence her relationship with me. Not to let the already glaring divide grow.

I think the one thing that annoys me about Graham though, is how similar he is to our father in some areas. I’ve said as much to him before. Unfortunately, he had the same thing to say about me.

The door to my office at the company’s HQ opens and in walks the devil himself. Graham Steele wears a smile everywhere he goes, green eyes twinkling with mirth and mischief. It’s all a façade and I’ve never let that fool me.

“Hey, big bro.”

My eyebrows flick up at the casual way he enters my office, without knocking. He steps towards the couch, sitting on it without invitation and placing his legs on the table in front of him. My jaw grinds but outwardly I show no emotion. I refuse to let him know his actions faze me.

I get to my feet and head for the sofa at the head of the table, taking a seat and prepping myself to engage in a semi-decent conversation with him. When I get closer to him though, I can’t resist pushing his legs off before taking a seat myself.

He chuckles. “You’re so predictable, Xander.”

“Welcome back, Graham. How was your Japan?” I ask as politely as I can muster.
