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I head into my room to change. By the time I return, the pizza has arrived and we all settle in for dinner. Graham and I pointedly ignore each other, leaving Nate to carry on the conversation. When he gets to the part about finally making a friend, I perk up.

“Daniel and I have a lot in common,” he informs us. “And he’s funny and smart too. He has a little sister called Catherine and he lives in a big house with his mom and dad.”

“He sounds like a good kid,” Graham points out, eating a slice of pizza.

“He is. Yesterday, some boys were making fun of another boy and Daniel got right in the middle and told them to back off, or he would beat them. It was funny because Daniel’s much smaller. Those boys were in the 6th grade and they were mean but Dan still stood up to them.”

“He seems like a brave kid,” I say.

“He is. And he’s really cool too. He has all these toys that he brought to school.”

We listen to him ramble on about his new best friend for the rest of the night until he has to go to bed. I’m glad he was finally able to make one. I was getting worried. I guess the change of environment did him a lot of good.

After tucking him into bed, I get in a couple more hours of work before turning in for the night as well. My thoughts involuntarily go to Katerina. We haven’t made contact in three days. Mostly because I haven’t reached out to her and there’s no way she can reach out to me. Which must be driving her crazy.

I just need some space. To regroup, reform my defenses. I still remember the look on her face when I told her Nate thinks his mother is dead. She seemed heartbroken. It was the most emotion I’ve ever gotten from her. At least when it comes to her son, she has a heart. I’m just not sure how far it goes and I’m unwilling to find out.

Which is why I’m finding it hard to say yes to her request. My father warmed me to keep my son far from her and I plan to. But a part of me can’t help but think about what’s best for him. He was four when he came home and asked me why he didn’t have a mum. Seven when he asked me if I couldn’t just make him a new mom. We’ve all tried to fill that hole in his life but it’ll always be there.

Then again, Katerina isn’t asking for a chance to be part of his life. She just wants one meeting. From where I’m standing, she still hasn’t gotten her priorities in order.

I’m at the office the next day when I receive a call from the front desk on the first floor.

” Mr. Steele, there’s someone here to see you,” the woman informs me.

I arch an eyebrow. “I’m not expecting a visitor.

She sounds a little apprehensive as she speaks, “I informed her that she would need an appointment, sir but she’s insistent and refuses to leave.”

“Who is it?”

“She says her name is Katerina Mincetti.”

Of fucking course.

I run a hand through my hair once. “Send her up,” I state, before hanging up and dropping the receiver.

Three minutes later and she’s walking into my office. A loud exhale leaves me as my body tenses at the sight of her. She’s not just walking, she’s sauntering into my office like she owns the place. It’s one of the things I used to admire about her. Her lethal powerful grace.

Her eyes meet mine as soon as she’s inside and for just a second, I can’t look away. It’s a look filled with intensity. Although I can’t pinpoint exactly what intense emotion it is and how I’m contributing. She’s wearing pants today, her outfit business casual. My eyes drift down her body for a second, unable to help myself before I’m looking back at her face.

It feels like all the air’s being sucked out. I don’t get to my feet, simply raising an eyebrow.

“What are you doing here, Katerina?”

She places her hand on her hip as she stares me down, “I had to get your attention somehow.”



Four days of no contact. I knew he was angry. He had every right to be angry and I tried to be patient. I’m well aware that I’m the one with the disadvantage in this situation. But still, there’s only so much time I can spend waiting.

His eyes roam over my face like they always do, searching for something, although I have no idea what. He seems satisfied though as he leans back in his chair. His muscles flex as he crosses his arm. I get the feeling he’s trying to give off the picture of ease and calm. His black hair is slightly rumpled, which means he’s run his hands through them a few times today. Something he tends to do when he’s frustrated or angry.

“Trust me, you have my full attention now,” he says in a dry tone.

“Good, because I had no way of calling or texting you. And you going dark on me for days after that last conversation is just cruel.”
