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He sighs. “I’m sorry, I should have told you about it. I was going to tell you when you arrived later and met Daniel. I didn’t think you’d run into his father. I’m guessing your families don’t get along?”

“Not exactly. We just don’t have a relationship, so things are… delicate.”

“Well, considering he’s not leaving, this is your chance to make things not so delicate.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Meaning?”

“Nate’s playing with his friend. Why don’t you go play nice with the other big bad Don?” he asks, eyes twinkling.

I roll my eyes. “That’s not how it works, Xander.”

“On the contrary, I’m pretty sure it is. He’s not leaving until he’s sure his son will be safe. Our son happens to like his best friend and I’m sure he would hate it if his friend couldn’t come over to our home again because his mother’s on bad terms with his friends family. Alliances are built every day in your world, Katerina. Build one now.”

I grit my teeth. It’s really not that simple. I came here after a stressful day taking care of a drug deal gone wrong. There was a raid and a cop ended up dead, which is never a good thing. I had to make several calls, placating whoever might be out for bad blood. After compensating the officer’s family, I had to dole out punishments to the people responsible. I’m tired and I was hoping to just come here relax and hang out with my son for a while. But obviously that’s not going to happen.

Xander must be able to read my thoughts because to my surprise he says.

“I’ll carry you along next time, I promise.”

My heart short circuits for a little while. I stare at him, wishing with all my heart that things were different. That it wasn’t so hard. That I could just fall into his arms and receive the warmth he always seems to dispel, but I can’t.

“Okay fine. I’ll try to strike up a conversation with Mr. D’Angelo.”

His lips twitch. “He’s not so bad,” Xander says. “Kinda funny in a droll kind of way. I’ve only spoken to him on the phone but I like him.”

“You like everyone,” I mutter.

“Have fun with your new best friend,” he tells me with a wink. “I’m going to take some snacks up for the kids and then I need to make some calls in my room. I’ll come downstairs as soon as I can.”

He places a hand on my shoulder, his touch searing before he walks towards the fridge, leaving me to return to the living room where Rico and Christian seem to be engaged in a standoff. They haven’t even sat down. I clear my throat once, to signal my return. Rico looks at me and I see relief in his expression.

I turn to the tall, brooding Don. “I believe reintroductions are in order,” I begin.

He arches an eyebrow in question.

“Your son is friends with my son, Mr. D’Angelo. Surely, that means we can try to be amicable.”

Christian lets out a huff of breath.

“Alright fine,” he says stretching his hand out to me. “Nice to meet you, Katerina,” he emphasizes.

“You too, Christian. Should we take a seat?”

He nods and we settle down on the couches.

“I’ll be honest, I’ve been curious about meeting you. Your reputation precedes you,” I state.

He lips turn up in the tiniest of smiles. “As does yours. I wondered at the first female Don we’ve had in over a decade in the city. Your family is quite formidable.”

“Thank you. I do my best. And I’m not sure if you’ve introduced yourself, but this is my cousin, Rico. He’s my second in command. He can be a little rough around the edges and fiercely protective.”

Christian looks at Rico, and I’m surprised when something light dances in his eyes.

“I’ve heard about you too. My capos like to say you’re a coward for letting a woman take your rightful position as Don.”

I cock my head to the side at that statement. Rico’s expression darkens.

“And what do you say to that?”
