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“Yeah, my dad’s not home. It’ll be fine. Plus, you get to see where I grew up,” she tells me.

“Intriguing,” I murmur. “Alright, I’ll come.”

“Okay. I’ll text you the address,” she informs me. “And Xander?”


“Don’t be startled by the guns.”

With those words she hangs up and I’m left wondering exactly what I’m getting myself into. The drive to her house takes an hour and once I arrive in the neighborhood, my jaw nearly drops. First at the isolation and then at the house itself. All I have to do is provide my name before I’m allowed on to the compound.

At the sight of the huge mansion that’s placed in the middle of sprawling grounds, my jaw drops even further. There’s a lot of land, several acres of it and the house itself is pretty amazing. My family is wealthy, an old money kind of wealthy but its clear the Mincetti’s have almost as much money, maybe even more.

Katerina was right to warn me about the guns because there are men in literally every corner of the house, armed to the teeth. I don’t let their stares bother me as I park my car. A man appears as soon as I step out, gesturing for me to hand him my key so he can drive the car into a more appropriate place. I do so and he points me towards the entrance of the house.

When I enter, I’m guided by someone else, a woman this time, probably one of the help. We walk through the artfully decorated home towards a room with a black painted door. The woman knocks once and I hear a faint come in, before the door is opened and I’m allowed inside.

On the other side is, Katerina Mincetti and for maybe the first time I see her as the Don she was always meant to be. Powerful, beautiful, lethal as she sits at her desk, the expression on her face daring anyone to fuck with her. The expression lightens as soon as her eyes meet mine however. She offers me a smile, before getting to her feet.

“Hey, Xander,” she greets, moving towards me. “How do you like the house?”

“It’s a little…” I search for the right words. “Intimidating?”

Katerina grins. “Yeah, I guess it can be. My dad really went all out when he built this place. But its home too. My home.”

“Well you have a wonderful home. Thanks for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome. Have you had breakfast yet? We can get some food before we start work,” she suggests.

I remember she was never one for wasting time. If Katerina has a task she needs to finish it right that second.

“It’s fine. I already ate with Nate this morning. Let’s just get to work.”

She nods, and I follow her back to her desk where her laptop sits already open. She gestures for me to take a seat in her chair and I arch an eyebrow.

“Are you sure I’m allowed to sit here? Isn’t this the Don’s seat of power or whatever?”

“I promise you won’t get shot if you sit there,” she says teasingly.

I shrug before lowering myself onto the chair. I roll up the cuffs of my sleeves, staring at the screen intently.

“How long do you think it’s going to take me to break in?” I ask Katerina, my gaze still on the screen.

“Knowing you and your prowess, I’d say about four hours?” she guesses.

I grin. “If I do it in two, what do I get?”

“A pat on the back and a job well done?”

I chuckle, looking up at her and into her beautiful brown eyes.

“Tempting but no. I want something else.”

“What?” Katerina questions.

“I’d have to think about it. But I’ll let you know, princess. Once I’m done,” I state.

“Okay, well good luck. I have to go and take care of something for an hour or so. I’ll be back soon. There’s a button at the side of the desk over there. Just press it if you need anything brought to you.”
