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“She’ll do no such thing. You’re the one that needs to get out of our lives for good, mother.”

After a couple more tense seconds of her glaring at us both, she walks out of the penthouse, entering the elevator. I let out a breath of relief once she’s gone. When I look to my side, Katerina’s wearing a disapproving frown.

“I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, Xander,” she states.

“Actually, princess. My mother is my battle and mine only.”

“And what did you mean when you said you would lose the company to Graham or Mikayla? What happened?”

She wasn’t supposed to hear that.

“Oh. Well my father and I had a bit of a falling out. I walked out on him after telling him I had no interest in the company ever again.”

Katerina gasps. “You did what?”

“No need to get your panties in a twist, princess,” I say lightly.

“Are you kidding me? That company’s your entire life. It’s all you’ve ever known. I know without a doubt that you worked hard to get to your position and now that you’re so close you’re going to let it go? Because of me?” she asks, her voice cracking slightly.

“Hey, hey, no,” I say, placing my hand on her chin. I incline her head up so she’s looking right into my eyes. “It’s not because of you. It’s because of me. I think I need to do this, princess. Maybe it’s time for me to find something else to do, venture out on my own.”

“So you’re just going to let Graham take over?” she asks still frowning. “Don’t think I don’t know he was responsible for leaking our picture to the press in the first place. I’m just letting him go because he’s your brother.”

I chuckle. “Graham has always wanted to be CEO. He’s always had more of a passion for it than I did. That being said, he won’t be able to get the position if he doesn’t grow up. Recent problems aside, I know without a doubt that he can rise to the occasion. He may be an asshole, but he would actually do well in the position.”

“That’s… incredibly mature of you,” Katerina murmurs.

“Whoever takes over my father’s company is his problem from now,” I tell her. “All I want to do is take care of my family. Of Nate, you,” I add gently.

Her eyes grow soft and glassy. She looks away from me, clearing her throat.

“Okay, issues with your company aside, what did you mother want? Why is she back?”

“She’s here to find me a wife.”

Katerina’s eyes widen. “She’s what?”

“Here to find me a wife, Katerina,” I repeat. “She seems to have gotten it into her head that if I get married to a respectable woman that my father finds acceptable, then all my problems will disappear.”

“She might be right.”

“She’s wrong,” I counter firmly. “I’m not getting married, Katerina. I already have so much shit going on and my mother’s meddling is an unwelcome addition to all that.”

“Well, she certainly seems like an interesting woman,” Katerina mutters.

“Jessica Steele is an incredibly selfish woman who only cares about two things. Money and herself. She abandoned her son for years without a care in the world.”

Katerina’s face falls at that and I realize too late how that sounds.


“I guess I’m a little similar to your mother,” she says sadly, a far off expression in her face.

“No,” I retort vehemently. “There’s one glaring difference. You know what you did was wrong. You were in pain every year that you were away from Nate. I know that with certainty. My mother on the other has yet to realize her mistakes and still believes she did nothing wrong by abandoning me. You’re not like her, princess. I promise.”

She still looks a little uncertain but manages a small nod. When I pull her into my arms, she sighs before wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Where’s Nate?” she mumbles against my chest.
