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My grip on his arm grows tighter. A silent warning for him to act more serious. Richard’s expression doesn’t so much as waiver. He looks from his son, to me and then to our conjoined arms. Then he’s waving a hand towards the two chairs on the other side of the table.

“Have a seat.”

We do and almost immediately the first course of food is brought towards the table. I watch as it’s all set down. Xander and I exchange a look. I decide to speak up.

“Actually, Mr. Steele. We were hoping to talk first,” I state.

“Eat,” he says. There’s no disguising the word as a command. My jaw clenches. Beneath the table, Xander gets a hold of my thigh, rubbing small calming circles through my dress. “It’s good manners, Miss Mincetti. I invited you as a show of hospitality. Let us have a nice dinner.”

I nod slowly before sitting up straighter and digging into the meal. It’s great but I can barely concentrate because I’m too worried about what he could possibly have to say to us.

“How about dessert?” he suggests once we’re done with the meal.

I glare at him and he manages a small chuckle before looking at his son.

“Would I be right in assuming that the both of you are in a relationship now?”

Xander nods, without hesitation. “We’re trying to make this work, dad. I know you don’t approve.”

“Actually. You’ve made it clear that you don’t give a fuck whether I approve of anything you do anymore. So I’ll be keeping my opinions to myself. This meeting was called, to warn the two of you of what would be expected in your future. Because I’m not sure either of you understand what is at stake.”

I blink at that, looking towards Xander who is equally as confused.

His father continues. “First off, Alexander. I want to believe you have a plan for your future. It’s been weeks, since you walked away from your family’s legacy, I’m sure you’ve thought long and hard on what you plan to do.”

Xander informs him about the tech start-up and if I didn’t know better I’d almost say that Richard Steele is impressed. When he finishes speaking, his father clears his throat.

“All I can say is that the company has lost a formidable asset in you, Alexander. But I have no doubt you’ll pave your own way. You are my son and a Steele, we don’t fail.”

Xander cocks his head to the side, “Alright, what’s going on?” he finally asks. “Are you dying? Is that it? They say people sometimes do out of character things when they’re close to death. Is that what’s going on here?”

Richard’s lips thin. “What’s going on here is that I’m trying to have dinner with my son and his girlfriend. This is my way of making an effort.”

“Sure, but why?” Xander presses.

“Well, if I’m being honest, I received a call from your mother. A particularly distressing one where she wouldn’t stop complaining about Katerina’s presence in your life. I suddenly realized that if your mother was so against it, then it was probably not the worst thing.”

My jaw practically drops. Beside me Xander stares at his father incredulously.

“You’re agreeing to our relationship just to spite my mother?”

He shrugs. “I never said that, Xander. And all that matters is that I’m agreeing to the relationship. But like I said, there are a few things I need to make sure of. The first of which being Nathaniel’s safety. If I’m not wrong, you will all continue to remain in New York?” he questions.

“Yes, we will,” I reply.

New York is my home. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Nate loves the city and he’s finally managed to make friends and grow comfortable. And Xander already told me that he plans on establishing the start up here.

“Good, given your position, Katerina. I’m going to need you to ensure that he has adequate security wherever he goes. Being the son of a Don is a dangerous prospect and who knows, he could be targeted by anyone looking to provoke or threaten you.”

My skin prickles. “No one would dare.”

“Just make sure he’s well protected,” Richard states. “He’s my grandchild. I do not want anything happening to him.”

“I won’t let anything happen to him,” I say fiercely.

The table relapses into silence and the more I sit here in front of him, the more I start to grow impatient.

“Is that all you have to say, Richard? How about an apology for kicking me out of your home, not once but twice?”
