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“You like it? Really?”

He didn’t deserve someone like Maddy in his life, plain and simple.

“I love it.” The smile was real this time. When he touched the back of the couch, he let out a groan. At least it would be comfortable. It smelled clean, too, with that fresh smell that came from something new.

“Perfect, because I’ve got you booked for the month,” said Maddy, letting out a sheepish grin as he dropped the bag and took a step toward the exit. “I should go check on the club now, Clint. Bye.”

“Now wait just a second.” Clint was only a step behind and closing the distance fast. “There is no way I’m letting you run Unkinked for a whole month by yourself, Maddy. A week tops.” He was already going through withdrawal. He hadn’t seen a single nipple yet today. Shit like that took its toll.

“Derreck wanted three months, but I got him down to one,” said Maddy, his smile looking a tad more forced as he took another backward step. The edge of the small porch was right behind him, and Maddy took a glance before making his way down the stairs.

“You can’t just leave me out here,” said Clint, motioning to the fridge which was probably empty. “I’ll starve to death.” He couldn’t walk to town from this far, and it would take him a good day to hike back to the club unless he managed to hitch a ride with someone. That’s a good plan.

But even if he got back, Derreck would no doubt be waiting with a shovel and a pre-dug hole somewhere.

Maddy shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. The owner of this place had the option to have all your meals provided to you, and I’ve already let him know about your allergies. You’ll be fine.”

I am so not going to be fine.

“Bye, Clint.” With one last step, Maddy turned, hightailing it to the car.

“What the hell just happened?” He had to laugh as Maddy stumbled just before he reached the car, catching himself on the trunk and probably scratching up the wax job as he caught it with his nails. “Karma’s a bitch, kid.”

As the car pulled out of the drive, swaying and thumping along the pitted road, a finality crept in that tugged something in his chest. For the first time in years, he was away from the club and well and truly completely alone.

But what the fuck was he supposed to do in a cabin for a month? Kink was his thing, and without it he was…

He shook his head, cutting that thought off before it could sink too deep. He’d been without kink for a long time, even if he immersed himself in it every day.

He strained his hearing, but the sound of Maddy’s car had disappeared, replaced with crickets, wind and a few birds that were probably hopping around in the trees that surrounded the property.

His stomach grumbled, pulling him away from the door. He padded across the space, jerking the fridge open. It was only eleven in the morning, and he would be out of luck if meal time wasn’t until after lunch. His breakfast had consisted of a cold coffee and glares from Derreck.

“What the hell?” his mouth flopped open against his will as he pushed the door wider, scanning the interior.

It was packed with everything from carrots to bacon and a few other things he didn’t recognize. There was no way he could eat everything before it went bad, especially not on his own. Is it the fucking apocalypse? He kept his fridge fairly stocked at home, but often went for precooked meals for simple ease and time. There was no joy in cooking. Not anymore.

He stumbled to the cupboard, pulling the door wide. It was in a similar state, with boxes of crackers, chips and even the soup packets that he secretly got cravings for every few months. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen so many varieties of canned beans before, and someone had obviously found out about his secret love of black licorice.

A white scrap of paper on the counter caught his eye, and he reached for it, flipping it over to read the scratched lettering.

~To get you started.


“What in the ever-loving fuck?” This couldn’t be just the start. He was going to gain fifty pounds in a week if someone expected him to eat this much. And who the fuck was S?

Something shifted in his gut as realization struck him like a force. Maddy had been so eager to pick the spot and had booked it without even letting Clint vet the place. He’d mentioned that he knew the owner, only to backtrack a moment later and claim that a friend of a friend did.

And leaving him without a car? It was like a final nail in his modern wooden prison.

He scrambled for his bag, reefing the zipper open and grabbing the folded paper that Maddy had tucked inside so casually. Clint hadn’t even thought to ask for it or read it, so in denial of his fate.

“Maddy, you little brat.” Clint fell back on his heels as a laugh pushed through his lips. It wasn’t even funny, but he couldn’t stop. Oh, this is going to be hell.

On the paper was information about the place like the Wi-Fi password and the door code, along with the owner’s name and number. There was even a little quote from the bastard, which had presumably been done up by the host site.

If you need anything at all during your stay, just let me know. I always have a steak on the grill.
