Page 12 of Hammer

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“My name is David Alexander Malcolm. The only person who gets away with calling me Davey is Izzy. I became Hammer in the army. I loved to build stuff. I saw this town that needed a school and I thought, why not. I grabbed a hammer and started to put up some walls,” he says.

“So the guys called you Hammer.”

“When I came to the club, I thought they’d change it, but they saw my tenacity and decided to stick with it.”

“Can I call you David?”

“Absolutely, but in the club, I’m Hammer.” He looks out onto the porch. “That’s your favorite place. Why?”

“There’s nothing but field and trees.” I point to the clubhouse. “Except for those neighbors over there, and I don’t have to worry about prying eyes like reporters trying to get a glimpse of the lone heiress who’s fallen from grace. There’s no one to rub salt in the wounds or pretend like they care when really, they just want to pump me for information and leak it to the nearest rag. I might even get a dog. And not a little dog that fits in a purse. I want a puppy that loves to run and play in the yard and who knows when I’m not at my best and will sit at my feet and put its head on my lap to let me know everything’s going to be okay.” I grin.

“Maybe a German shepherd. They’re good, solid, protective dogs,” he says encouragingly. “I’m thinking you should look into rescue puppies. They need a good home, and you have a lot of love to give.”

Before I know it, it’s coming up on eleven o’clock. Where did the time go? Hammer edges me off his lap and stands, but instead of moving toward the door, he takes my hand and places a hand to my back urging me toward my bedroom.

“It’s getting late.” I don’t want Hammer to feel obligated to stay. Even though I’m wiped out, I already know that I’ll be awake half the night.

“Are you tired?” he asks, scanning my face.

“I’m always tired, but that doesn’t mean I’ll sleep,” I tell him truthfully.

“Go get ready for bed, babe. I’m going to stay with you until you fall asleep.”

My mouth drops open, and I’m speechless. When I finally find my voice, I say, “You can’t do that. It’s bad enough that I’m up all night. You need to go to work tomorrow. You just finished telling me about the busy day you have planned.”

“Trust me.”


He puts his palms on my cheeks and looks deeply into my eyes. “Trust. Me.”

“All right.” I acquiesce immediately, unable to resist his determination. Then he presses his lips to mine in a light kiss. It’s barely a kiss at all, yet I feel the electricity between us. I want to step into his arms and lose myself in his warmth and have him kiss me properly.

“Frankie, give a man a break. I’m trying to be a gentleman, and the way you’re looking at me is making it difficult to not want to devour that sexy mouth of yours.”

My cheeks warm with embarrassment, and I decide now’s a good time to retreat to my bedroom and get changed. I pull out a pair of deep purple silk lounger pajamas with a matching tank top. I scrub my face clean of makeup and suddenly feel very exposed. Aside from this morning, I don’t remember the last time I let anyone see me without makeup except for the servants.

There’s a rap on the door, and Hammer’s low, sexy voice utters, “You dressed?”

I climb into bed. “Um, yes.”

He comes in and walks directly to my en suite bathroom, emerging a few minutes later. He then removes his boots and climbs in next to me, only he’s on top of the covers. He pulls me close, and I automatically rest my head on his chest. I try to relax against his solid frame, but the more I try, the more anxious I become.

“Relax,” he murmurs.

If only it were that easy.

“What’s rattling around in that beautiful brain of yours?” he asks.

“Nothing,” I sigh.

“That’s a lie, babe.” He gives me a little shake. “Give it a go.”

“Silly stuff that means nothing. I was thinking that Ava is beautiful and it’s no wonder that Guard snatched her up. And Vi has so much energy. She makes me laugh.”

“She’s a ballbuster, but Orion wouldn’t want her any other way,” he replies.

“Izzy’s super sweet. The way she talks about her husband, you can see the love she has for him. She adores her big brother.”
