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“Francesca, please.” She walks through to the family room, and we follow. “Can I get you anything? I have coffee made, but if you prefer tea, I’m happy to make some.”

“Coffee, coffee, coffee,” Sofia chants. She’s a caffeine junkie, and Demon has started buying decaf. I’m thinking this will be Sofia’s first caffeine jolt of the day.

Francesca’s English accent is so damn sexy, and her giggle is even sexier. “Coffee it is. What about you, gentlemen? I have juice, water. I’m fully stocked,” she says as she pours Sofia her cup of java and tops off her own.

“I’ll have a cup of coffee, if it’s not too much trouble,” I say.

“Me too,” Risk says.

Francesca takes her hostess role seriously. She concentrates, her manners meticulous, as she ensures her guests have their coffees in hand.

“How are you settling in?” I ask.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying the quiet.” She looks around at the piles of boxes. “I’m not loving the unpacking part, though. It’s incredible how much one person can accumulate. I should have purged before having everything shipped over, but I just didn’t have the time.”

“I can give you a hand,” I offer.

Francesca looks at me, her cheeks turning bright pink. “Oh, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I-I wouldn’t want to impose,” she stutters.

Risk chuckles, and Sofia puts an arm around Francesca and laughs. “That’s priceless.”

“What is?” Francesca asks in confusion.

“Relax, Francesca. I’d be happy to help. If anything, I’m the one being too forward,” I say, hoping to allay her fears. “And those two”—I wag a finger between Risk and Sofia—“are looking for an excuse to have a Pride gathering. The Lady Pride across the way, over there”—I jerk my head toward the compound—“were arguing about who got to welcome you to the neighborhood.”

Francesca looks out the window. “They’re more than welcome to visit. I do hope to make this place my forever home,” she says quietly.

“I think they’d love that, but that’s for another day. You have business with Sofia today, and Risk and I are going to finish the touch-ups around the house. Then I’ll stay and help out, but only if you’re comfortable,” I tell her. “I won’t be offended either way.”

I want to stay, but I won’t push her too hard. There’s so much I want to know. For instance, why is she living in this house all alone? Why did she move so far from everything she knows? She’s timid and wary. It could be her nature, or maybe she’s nervous around people.

My eyes lock with hers, and I see it, the hurt. Someone hurt Francesca. I decide to move Risk along. “Where do we start?”

Risk puts down his empty cup and leads me down the hall, leaving Francesca and Sofia alone.

For the next couple of hours, I follow Risk’s lead and work with him patching and repairing some items. Risk is a perfectionist and walks around, inspecting every nook and cranny. He’s the kind of guy that, if he takes a job, he does it right, on time, and within budget. I think Francesca’s job was making him a little nutty with the constant changes to the plan. The price kept climbing, and he hates asking for more than they’d agreed upon per the contract.

In the past, Risk has dealt with several clients who wanted the world, but didn’t want to pay for it. He nearly fell off his chair when Francesca not only didn’t balk at the price, but gave Risk and his crew a completion bonus, with a note that read, Thank you for taking extra care in making my house a home.

When we make it back down to the family room, Sofia and Francesca are coming out of the study. “Everything is signed, and I’ll make sure to keep you informed. I don’t expect anything out of the ordinary,” Sofia says, placing a file in her briefcase. “Are you boys done?” she asks when she sees us.

“Yeah.” Risk nods to Francesca. “Everything looks good, but if you see anything that needs my attention, I’m only a phone call away.”

“I don’t doubt that everything is perfect. You do excellent work, Risk. You and your crew did a fabulous job. I love everything about this place, especially the solarium,” Francesca says with a smile. Then she turns to me, biting her lower lip. “Is your offer to tote boxes still open?”

I thought for sure she’d never mention it again and I’d leave with Risk and Sofia. I’ve already been thinking of another excuse to come by.

“Absolutely. I’m at your service.” I give her my brightest smile, showing off my dimples. Her face lights up, and she lets out the breath she seemed to be holding. After Francesca sees Risk and Sofia to the door, she comes back to where I’m waiting for her near a stack of boxes. “Put me to work, Frankie!” I say.


Getting to Know You


“Frankie?” She giggles. “Never been called that before.”

“What do your friends call you?”
