Page 33 of Hammer

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“The only man who’s going to pay a price for his crimes is Jessop,” I confirm. “Put it out of your head for now. I’m going to get you inside and settle you on the sofa. You’re going to have a great day with Vi and Willow, and that’s the end of it.” I want Francesca to know what’s going on, but I don’t want her fretting over it.

“And Gabby,” she says with a hint of a smile.

“And little Miss Mini Vi.” I sigh. “That girl is so much like her mother that I almost feel compelled to give Orion and Alexander safe haven during her teen years.” He chuckles. “We may need to put on an addition to this place.”

Francesca lets out a whole-hearted laugh that fills my soul. When she does that, she looks like the carefree, happy woman she should always be. It’s my mission to see that she will be. I carry her back into the house. She begins to protest, but one serious look and she acquiesces.

I glance around her and take inventory. Blanket, remote, magazines, book, apple, two bottles of water, and her phone. She’s all set.

“Did you plan on being gone for a year?” she teases. I bend and kiss her soundly on the mouth.

“Be good,” I warn.

“Ooh, I’m so scared,” she says, rolling her eyes. “What are you going to do? Spank me?”

“Yeah, I think I will,” I say, giving her a wink. “But it’ll have to be when I get back. Priest’s waiting for me at the club.”

She gives a little gasp, but I see that it’s the excitement of anticipation to see if I’ll follow through. Francesca is a passionate woman, and I intend to show her just how amazing we are together.

It’s been a good day so far. Francesca’s on the mend, and the plan to trap a snake is in motion. Best part, the fucker has taken the bait.


Pigtails and Polish


There’s no denying that Gabby is a pistol. She seems much older than her years. Since when do eight-year-olds give fashion advice? And she clearly informed me that she was going by her full name today.

“She does that,” Vi says with a sigh. “One day, she just woke up and asked, ‘You named me Gabriella, Why don’t you call me that?’ Then when Daddy started calling her by her full name, she had a fit. Therefore, everyone must call her by her full name, except Daddy.” Vi has such an animated tone that Willow and I can’t help but laugh at the situation.

“Maybe tomorrow, she’ll want to be called something else,” Willow says.

“Sure! Why not!” Vi raises her hands in exasperation. “And why is Daddy the only one allowed to call her Gabby?” Aww, poor Vi. Her feelings are hurt. I can understand that.

“You know, Vi, she’s just like you. She’s independent and strong-willed, and she’s testing boundaries. Gabby doesn’t even realize that she’s hurting you because you’re always so strong. I bet if she knew, it would be different,” I say, hoping to make her feel better.

“She’s eight. And she mimics everything you do,” Willow adds. “You insist on respect and she’s doing the same. You’re ultracool with clothes and stuff and she’s doing the same. In a way, she’s honoring the woman you are by wanting to be just like you.”

Vi looks over at her daughter, who is currently playing with her hairbrush and watching a YouTube video on Vi’s phone on how to make fancy pigtails. Her little tongue sticks out to one side as she tries to tie the elastic around her hair and fails miserably. Gabriella puts the video on pause and starts over again. This is the third—no, wait—fourth attempt, and she doesn’t quit. I love the determination she has.

“She is a lot like me,” Vi says proudly.

“Best compliment you’ll ever get is wanting to be just like your mom,” I tell her. “How long do we give her until we offer to help?”

“We don’t,” Willow and Vi say simultaneously.

Vi adds, “We wait. She’ll come to us. Until then, we drink coffee and eat cookies, and you can tell us all about how it’s going with you and Hammer.” She raises a brow and taps her foot slyly.

“I told him I love him.” They both look at me, eyes wide, wanting more. “And he loves me.”

Willow clasps her hands together and does a little hop on the cushion. “I knew it.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” Vi directs to Willow. “Hammer hasn’t taken his eyes off this house or Francesca since the minute he saw her on the porch that first night.”

“How do you know that?” Willow asks, and I want to know too.

“Pu–leese!” Vi exclaims. “Men talk. Risk was out there that night, and he knew then that Hammer was hooked.”
