Page 8 of Hammer

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Once they’re all gone, the house seems very empty and lonely. I load the dishwasher, then walk around my empty house. Suddenly, my home is cold and sad. I grab a blanket and wrap it around my shoulders, then move outside to my chair, where the sun is shining over me. I can’t shake the sadness. Tears start to flow, and I give in to them, covering my face with my hands.

“What the hell happened? Did they do something to you?” Hammer’s rough voice booms over me.

“No, no!” I rush out. “It’s me. I had a restless night. I haven’t slept well.” I don’t want him to make the ladies feel bad. “They were wonderful and sweet. Please don’t say anything to them. It’s me. Really, I’m a mess.”

He looks at me with disbelief. “One restless night and you cry?”

“It’s multiple nights. I’m lucky if I get two or three hours of sleep a night.”

“That’s why you were still in bed this morning.”

“I can’t seem to sleep well in a bed. I usually end up on a chair or on the sofa.” I see his eyes grow dark and his jaw clench. “It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

“We’ll see about that.” He plucks me up off the chair and into his arms. He takes me back inside and deposits me on the sofa, where he sits next to me.


My Happy Place


There’s more to Francesca than meets the eye. I thought something was up when I was here earlier. Frankie is always gorgeous, but had I paid better attention, I would have noticed the dark circles under her eyes. No wonder she was less than excited to have a bunch of strangers show up at her door, with or without gifts.

When I left her last night, she seemed fine. Had I thought she wasn’t, I would have stayed. I turn on the television and slide her in close to me, draping an arm around her and running my fingers through her soft, thick, luscious, blonde hair.

“You don’t have to?—”

“Hush, baby,” I murmur, taking in the scent of her fresh shampoo. The aroma of green apple fills my nose.

“If I sleep now, I won’t be able to sleep tonight,” she says with a yawn.

“You’ll sleep,” I tell her. “Close your eyes.” I no sooner get the words out than Frankie’s leaning into me, her eyes drooping closed. I wait until she’s sound asleep before laying her head on my lap as she curls into a ball. I put my feet on the coffee table and sink back into the cushions, flipping through the channels and settling on the game.

This isn’t how I expected to spend the afternoon. I was hoping to take Frankie out for a ride on my motorcycle today. I wanted her to feel the freedom of the bike on the road and the way the wind hits your face, and the rumble of the motor under your seat. It’ll have to wait for another day.

I move the hair out of her face and watch as her breathing deepens before I make my call. It only rings once before Guard picks up.

“Yo, brother, you good?”

“I’m fine. Frankie’s not.”

“Ava told me something was up. What do you need?”

“The works.”

“I’ll get Orion on it. You got a starting point?”

“Go way back and keep Sofia out of it. I don’t want Frankie’s confidence in Sofia breached in any way,” I say.

I can imagine his head tilting to the side. When he hesitates like he’s doing now, I know his mind is reeling. “What have you got?”

“I’ve got a woman who hasn’t had a good night’s sleep since forever. When the women arrived, Frankie’s face dropped like someone was giving her a bomb instead of housewarming gifts. She cherishes her grandmother’s cookbooks like they’re more valuable than gold. She sits on the porch swing like it’s the only place she wants to be, and this is the same woman who’s been to all the best restaurants in Europe. She told me so last night. Her grandparents would take her everywhere they went, and they were travelers.” When she stirs, I pause and lower my voice. “It’s not right. I feel it in my gut.”

“I hear you, but I gotta ask, who is she to you?”

“I’m not sure.”

“She isn’t asking for our help, Hammer. We can step in, but only when asked or when they’re part of the club. Francesca’s not asking,” he points out.
