Page 21 of Snow Angel

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Wesley extricates my hands from his shoulders and kisses my fingers as he slides out.

“Sensitive,” he says, and I finally allow us to separate. He collapses on the bed beside me, gripping my bare hips and drawing me to him once more, facing towards each other.

“That was amazing,” I say, wriggling against him happily.

“Don’t stroke my ego too much.” He presses a quick kiss on my forehead. My skin burns where his lips touch. “I might get a big head.”

I slide my hand down his chest, tangling my fingers in the tufts of hair at the base of his cock. “You already do.”

“You’re insatiable. Let me catch my breath before we go again.”

“Okay. Anything for you,” I say. “I want you in all the ways, Wes. Right here, but also when we’re too old and gray to be hiking mountain trails.”

Wesley smiles, the one that crinkles his eyes and makes my heart beat faster.

He takes one of my hands in his and presses a kiss to the palm. “You have no idea how you make me feel, Ollie. I’ll take pleasure in all the ways I get to show you.”

Embarrassingly, my eyes well with tears. “You mean that?”

Large hands grab my face. Wesley’s piercing blue eyes stare into mine, his expression full of the love and adoration I was too scared to see before.

“I do,” he promises, and it feels like a spell locking us in place. “I have so many things I want to say but we can take it slow. I’ll save them for when you’re ready.”

“Okay,” I say against his lips. “We have all the time in the world.”

Maybe getting snowed in with my best friend wasn’t a bad idea, after all.

The End.
