Page 74 of No Secrets

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Caleb obediently followed and took up position, linking his arms around the cross. “We’ll cover different types of knots later,” Master Mark said as he quickly secured Caleb’s hands. “In some cases, you’ll want to use a slip knot a sub can get out of easily, but in this situation, you need something he can pull on without it getting loose.”

Caleb eagerly breathed in the scent of leather and anticipation. Shadows clung to the walls like specters, the soft light from various candles and small lamps casting a suspenseful dance over the array of implements that promised both pleasure and pain.

“Each flogger has its own voice,” Master Mark said as he laid several out for Roman. “Its unique song of seduction and discipline.”

“How do you choose?” Roman asked.

“Consider the sub’s experience, their pain threshold, and what message you want to convey.” A slow smile spread across Master Mark’s face as he selected a medium-weight flogger. “For example, is your goal to punish, to bring pain, or to bring pleasure?”

“What should it be in this case?”

“I’d say a mix of pain and pleasure because, for Caleb, those two are closely related.”


Master Mark’s arm swept through the air, the flogger slicing a precise arc before it kissed the padded bench next to Caleb with a thud. “Wrist loose. Let the tool do the work. Control is key.”

He hit the bench a few more times and handed the flogger to Roman, handle first. “It’s not about power. It’s about the exchange, the dance. Try it on the bench.”

Roman swooshed the flogger through the air. It landed unevenly, and he gave it another try, but his movements were still a bit stiff.

“Loosen up,” Master Mark encouraged. “Ease up on the grip. Let it be an extension of you. Feel its weight, its balance.”

Caleb bit his lip as he watched, almost jealous of that stupid bench. Even though he knew Roman had to practice first, he wanted to feel the leather kiss his skin, set it on fire, and paint Roman’s marks all over him.

“Precision,” Master Mark said. “It’s not about striking hard. It’s about striking right.”

Roman nodded, giving it another go.

“Good. Keep your eyes on where you want it to land.”

Roman arced his arm, and the flogger sliced toward the leather stool with a calculated snap—so much better than before. The thud of leather meeting leather was satisfying, though nowhere near as much as it would be on Caleb’s skin. Roman kept practicing for about a minute, then stopped.

“When you flog your sub, this is the area you want to target.” Master Mark used the handle of another flogger to trace a square on Caleb’s back and ass. “The ass cheeks are fine, but avoid the tailbone. And stay away from the kidneys, which are located about here.” He pointed them out.

Roman’s intense look of concentration showed how seriously he took all this, and a new wave of warmth flowed through Caleb.

“Buildup is important, but the how once again depends on your goals. Sometimes, you’ll want to build up agonizingly slow, almost like you’re teasing and edging. Other times, you’ll want to do a quick warm-up and then let it rain down hard. But intensity isn’t just about force. It’s also about tempo, rhythm. It’s a dance.” Master Mark put his hand on Roman’s shoulder and squeezed briefly. “Try again on the bench and find the beat.”

“Find the beat.” Roman echoed. He swung again, this time a series of hits. The creak of leather kissing leather grew rhythmic, almost hypnotic. Caleb stood shivering in anticipation. When would he feel the flogger’s cruel kiss?

“Much, much better. Think you’re ready to try it on Caleb?”

“Yes.” Roman sounded confident.

“Start with his buttocks. Since they have the most flesh, they can take a lot.”

Caleb closed his eyes and hugged the cross, his body taut with anticipation. The flogger cracked, then hit, and Caleb sighed as he absorbed its sting. Oh fuck, finally. Leather swooshed again and curled against his ass with a sharp snap. The heat took a second to penetrate, but when it did, Caleb hissed.

He opened his eyes and watched as Roman flicked his wrist again, confident and self-assured. So sexy. His movements had a dark beauty to them, a seductive promise of pain and pleasure.

Roman paused, seeking Caleb’s eyes. Caleb blinked slowly, unable to find the words. But Roman seemed to understand anyway because a sexy smile curled his lips…and he hit again. And again.

“Good.” Satisfaction laced Master Mark’s words. “That’s it, Roman. You’re getting it.”

Roman arced his arm down again, the flogger slicing through the air with precision. Thwack. Leather met flesh, Caleb’s ass absorbing each calculated blow. His body broke out in sweat, and his heart raced in a mix of excitement and pain.

“More.” The word was torn between a plea and a demand.
