Page 16 of Dare You to Ruin Me

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"Oh please, you've been dealing with crazy men since the day you were born," Martha scoffs.

I laugh at that. Martha always knows how to lift my spirits. We chat for a few more minutes about nothing important before saying goodbye. I feel better after talking to her, but my nerves are still on edge.

I go about packing a small bag for my impromptu trip home. As I'm rifling through my dresser, I hear the door suddenly click open behind me. I spin around, heart lurching again, only to find Dimitri slipping into my room and closing the door behind him with a cup of coffee in his hand

“Where did you go?” I ask him as I continue to pack clothes in my bag. He doesn't answer, merely giving me an inscrutable look as he casually locks my door and tosses my key outside. What the… we are on the fucking third floor.

"Dimitri!" I yell. "I don't have a spare key - how am I supposed to get out of here now?"

"Don't worry," he says calmly. "Ivan will catch it."

"Catch it?" I repeat in bewilderment. "What are you talking about? Unlock the door, I’m going home."



Istare at Sara, drinking in the sight of her. She looks so beautiful when she's flustered.

"Unlock the door!" she yells again.

I step towards her. "No, I don't think I will," I say softly.

Sara takes a step back, her eyes widening. I keep advancing until her back hits the wall and I've got her trapped. I place my hands on the wall on either side of her head and lean in close.

"Why are you doing this?" Sara asks, her voice trembling slightly.

"Isn't it obvious?" I murmur. “I know how to get what I want, Sara. And I want you."

Sara shakes her head. "I'm engaged, Dimitri. Last night was good, but… This... this can't happen."

I chuckle. "That pathetic excuse for a man? He doesn't deserve you." I gently grasp her chin and tilt her face up to meet my gaze. "I will do anything to make you mine."

Sara's eyes search my face. "What do you mean, anything?" she whispers.

I grin wolfishly. "I'd kill for you, Sara. I won’t allow anyone to lay a hand on you once you're with me."

Sara looks uncertain, so I press on. "Let me protect you, Sara. I'll be your guard, all day, every day. You will be safe with me. Lorenzo, your father – they don't care about you like I do." I reach up and caress her cheek gently. "I can take care of you in ways they never could. You just have to let me."

Sara melts into my touch ever so slightly. I can see her resolve weakening. Time to go in for the kill. "Let me take care of you, Sara. I'll guard you day and night if that's what it takes to make you feel safe."

I lean in until my lips are nearly touching hers. "Be with me, Sara," I whisper. "Be mine."



Achill runs down my spine at his words. Does he mean it? Would he really... kill for me? Has he? The thought terrifies me, yet a traitorous part of me thrills at the idea.

No, what am I thinking? This is madness.

His voice is hypnotic and despite myself, I feel my resistance wavering. After the terror yesterday with Lorenzo, the thought of someone protecting me is seductive.

Dimitri's hand on my cheek guides my face towards his. Before I can react, his lips capture mine in a fierce, passionate kiss. My knees go weak, warmth flooding my body. No one has ever kissed me like this before.

Slowly he pulls back, his eyes searching my face. I know I should protest, fight him, but I am unable to resist. I wrap my arms around his neck and return his kiss hungrily.

A low growl of satisfaction rumbles in his chest. Breaking the kiss, he stares at me with undisguised triumph.
