Page 55 of Dare You to Ruin Me

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My shoulders tighten instinctively, bracing for retaliation. But the blow never comes. Slowly, I turn back.

Father stands slumped by the desk, one hand resting on it for support. His breathing is labored and he regards me with a mixture of impotent fury and grudging respect.

We lock eyes wordlessly across the room. An understanding passes between us. I've bested him, but he will not forget this humiliation. One day, he will seek to regain control, through cunning if not strength. But that day is not today.

I give him one last piercing look, then walk out. The heavy oak door thuds shut behind me, sealing Father in the dark office that haunted my childhood.

As I stride down the hallway, exhilaration courses through me. It feels damn good to turn the tables and leave that old tyrant beaten and dethroned.



Istand in front of the full-length mirror, admiring my elegantly simple wedding gown. The ivory satin flows smoothly over my body, hugging my waist before cascading downwards into a soft A-line skirt. Delicate lace covers the bodice and trails up to the sweetheart neckline, perfectly complementing my fair complexion. Martha fusses with my veil, adjusting it just so, to complement my elegant updo.

"You look absolutely stunning," Martha says, meeting my eyes in the mirror. "Dimitri's not going to know what hit him when he sees you walking down that aisle."

I manage a small smile, comforted by my best friend's presence. My mind drifts back over the chaotic few weeks since Dimitri proposed. We've had to scramble to arrange everything - the venue, my dress, the guest list - compressing months of typical wedding planning into mere days.

It was necessary to avoid any rumors or speculation over the rushed timeline. Our family names carry weight, so any hint of scandal had to be suppressed. My father and Dimitri made sure to smooth over things with Lorenzo’s family. Despite the frenzied preparations, somehow everything has come together seamlessly.

My gaze travels down to the breathtaking diamond and emerald engagement ring on my left hand. The one Dimitri gave me to replace the gaudy ring Lorenzo forced upon me. This ring symbolizes my freedom and future with the man I truly want to be with. Thinking of Lorenzo sends a chill down my spine even now. I feel eternally grateful to Dimitri for rescuing me from Lorenzo's abuse and rage. For protecting me and our unborn child.

I place a protective hand over my still-flat stomach. We have not told anyone about the pregnancy yet - that will come later. For now, it's our precious secret. I imagine our baby with Dimitri's piercing blue eyes and dark hair. A perfect combination of the both of us. My heart swells thinking of the family we will build together.

"I still can't believe this is really happening," I murmur. "Part of me keeps waiting to wake up from some dream."

Martha gives me a knowing look in the mirror. "After everything you two have gone through to get here, you deserve this happy ending. No one is going to take that away now."

"You're right," I reply with more conviction. Martha squeezes my shoulders affectionately. "It's time!" I take a deep breath and nod, holding back happy tears so as not to ruin my makeup. Arm in arm, we head out of the bridal suite towards the doors where my father waits to walk me down the aisle.

I take my father's arm as we stand outside the wooden doors of the quaint chapel. I can hear the murmur of our guests within, waiting for the ceremony to begin. My heart pounds against the fitted bodice of my dress. I remind myself to breathe.

The chapel is small but beautifully intimate, with white-washed walls and sun streaming through the stained-glass windows. The pews are adorned with ivory bows and lush green garlands interspersed with white roses and lilies - simple yet elegant, just as I envisioned.

As the opening notes of "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri begin, the doors open. I clutch my father's arm tighter as we step forward. The aisle is strewn with white and pink rose petals, their soft fragrance perfuming the air.

My gaze locks on Dimitri standing tall and proud at the altar, looking strikingly handsome in his black tuxedo. His ice blue eyes meet mine, and for a moment the intensity of his stare makes my steps falter. I glimpse something vulnerable in his expression - uncertainty? - before his mouth curves into a tender smile meant only for me.

The guests turn to watch my approach, familiar faces smiling supportively - classmates, professors, Martha glowing in her bridesmaid dress. Ivan beside Dimitri. But I barely notice them, my focus consumed by Dimitri. Each step down the petal-strewn aisle feels surreal, as if I'm gliding through a dream.

My anxiety battles with euphoria within me. I want this, I want him, but the speed of it all still feels dizzying. Dimitri's eyes anchor me, reminding me this is real. Our love is real. We will build a life together.

As I draw nearer, I notice with a pang that Dimitri's family is not present. Not his father, the Bratva boss, or his mother. No one from that world bears witness besides his cousin Ivan. Dimitri's smile doesn't reach his eyes now. I know he must feel their absence deeply, no matter his brave front.

My heart aches for the sacrifice being with me requires of him. But his steady gaze conveys no regret, only certainty. I know in this moment we will face any future together, no matter the cost. No matter who stands against us.

We have reached the altar now. Dimitri extends his hand and I place mine in his strong grasp. His touch instantly calms my remaining anxiety and we turn together to face the officiant,

I stand before Dimitri, our hands joined, as the officiant prompts him to recite his vows. Dimitri's voice is steady and sure as he promises to love, honor and protect me all the days of our lives. But his eyes reveal a vulnerability and depth of emotion I've seldom glimpsed before.

"I vow to be your loyal and devoted husband," he continues, ice blue eyes boring intensely into mine. "To stand steadfast by your side through all life's challenges and joys. To shelter you from harm, provide for your needs, and ensure your happiness."

His thumb gently caresses my knuckles, sending little thrills up my arm even now.

"I promise to be faithful, to cherish every moment we have together, and to build a home filled with laughter, trust, and abiding love." Dimitri's voice softens, thick with sincerity. "You are my heart, my very life. This I vow before God and these witnesses."

My vision blurs with tears as I'm deeply moved by his words. I know Dimitri always keeps his promises. As the officiant prompts me to give my vows, my voice wavers with emotion. I have to pause and take a shaky breath before continuing.
