Page 56 of Dare You to Ruin Me

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"Dimitri, I vow to be your loving and devoted wife. To stand steadfast by your side through sunny days and storms. To offer you comfort, encouragement, and joy."

I squeeze his hands, hoping he understands how much I mean these words.

"I promise to nurture our relationship and our family." My other hand drifts to my still-flat stomach. "To be your faithful partner, and to cherish every moment we share."

Tears run down my cheeks.

"You've shown me true protection and care. With you I've found a home. My heart and life are yours, this day and always."

As I finish, Dimitri mouths "I love you." Overcome with emotion, I mouth it back. The officiant says something about rings, but his voice fades into the background. Dimitri and I are locked in each other's gaze, the rest of the world falling away so only we two remain.

In this perfect, suspended moment, there is no past or future - only us, together at last. United with him, I have everything I need.

The officiant's voice gradually filters back into my awareness.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Dimitri's hands come up to cradle my face. I see joy, desire, and protectiveness swirling in his blue eyes before they flutter shut. He kisses me tenderly at first, then with increasing passion. My arms wrap around his shoulders as I return his fervor. We kiss like it's just us alone, ignoring the cheering guests. We pull back slowly, foreheads touching, breathing each other's air.

I sway in Dimitri's arms as we share our first dance as husband and wife. The upbeat melody of "At Last" by Etta James surrounds us, though all I hear is the pounding of my own heart. Dimitri's hand is firm yet gentle on my lower back, guiding me effortlessly around the dance floor. Our guests form a circle around us, dancing along to the classic tune.

I'm keenly aware of all the eyes upon us. My father and Dimitri's cousin Ivan watch us with hint of smiles. Martha beams, dabbing her eyes with a napkin. The rest of our guests regard us with cheerful curiosity, enjoying the celebratory atmosphere.

Part of me feels shy at being the center of attention, but mostly I'm lost in my own world with Dimitri. Here in his arms, the crowd soon fades away until it's just the two of us. His ice blue eyes gaze down at me tenderly, making me feel like the most cherished woman alive.

"Have I told you how stunning you look today?" Dimitri murmurs, his breath warm against my ear.

I smile, leaning into him. "Only about ten times so far."

His chuckle rumbles through his chest. "Well, you are exquisite. The most beautiful bride that ever lived."

Heat rushes to my cheeks at his effusive compliment. I smooth my hand along his muscular shoulder, feeling the strength coiled there even as he holds me gently.

"And you are the most handsome groom," I return softly.

Dimitri presses a kiss to my forehead. We sway and spin slowly to the music, comfortable in each other's arms. Despite the public setting, I've never felt more intimate with him than in this moment.

Too soon, the song ends and transitions into something more upbeat. The dance floor fills with our guests boogieing to the fast rhythm. Ivan is ignoring Martha's request for a dance, and my father reluctantly allows himself to be pulled into dancing by my mother.

Dimitri and I move off the floor, fingers entwined. We pause by the drink table to catch our breath. Dimitri hands me a glass of sparkling water. The bubbles tickle my nose as I take a small sip.

"Shall we step outside for a moment?" Dimitri suggests, leaning close to my ear again so I can hear him over the music. His warm breath makes me shiver. I nod eagerly, welcoming a chance to steal a private moment with my new husband.

Dimitri guides me through the crowd towards the back terrace doors. The lively party continues on behind us, but once we're outside, the music becomes a distant thrum. Dusk is falling, and the sky awash in hues of orange and pink. Strings of lights twinkle around the stone terrace, surrounding Dimitri and I in a soft glow.

He draws me over to the carved stone railing overlooking the garden. I run my fingers along the smooth, cool surface. Dimitri comes up behind me, hands settling on my hips. I lean back against his solid chest with a contented sigh. His chin rests atop my head and we survey the landscape before us.

"It's so peaceful out here," I murmur.

"Mm. Perfect place to sneak a moment with my beautiful wife." Dimitri's arms wrap around me fully, enveloping me in his warmth and subtle, woodsy scent.

I cover his hands with my own, stroking his knuckles. The new wedding bands glint on our entwined fingers. "It's still sinking in that we're really married now. That you're my husband."

"And you're my stunning wife." Dimitri turns me in his arms so we're face to face. One hand comes up to cradle my jaw, tilting my gaze up to meet his. "I've never been so happy, Sara. Or felt so lucky to have you by my side."

His voice is low and fervent. I see the truth of it shining in his ice blue eyes. My heart swells and I blink back a tear of joy.

"I feel the same," I whisper. "Like all my dreams just came true."
