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Martha pouts dramatically. "Lame! We never get random days off. Come on, live a little!"

I force a laugh. "Rain check, okay? I really need to get this reading done and I know I'll just get distracted at your place."

"Ugh, fine," Martha sighs. She points a finger at me. "But I'm holding you to that rain check, missy. We're long overdue for a girls' day."

I smile, but it doesn't quite reach my eyes. "Absolutely. I promise, soon."

We hug goodbye, and I watch Martha walk towards the parking lot, envious of her ability to move freely through life. Once she's out of sight, I turn and head in the opposite direction, towards the library.

My shoulders immediately relax once I'm safely amongst the quiet rows of books. I can almost pretend everything is normal here, tucked away at my favorite corner table.

I flip open my textbook, but the words blur together on the page. I've keep reading the same sentence without absorbing anything. With a huff, I lean back in my chair and rub my temples.

Staying here all day is really tempting. I could hide until the library closes, then sneak into one of the study rooms and sleep here. It wouldn't be the most comfortable night, but at least I'd be safe...

I try to focus on the textbook before me, but the words swim across the page. I sigh and lean back in my chair. Maybe a short break will help clear my head.

I gather my things and wander into one of the nearby aisles, trailing my fingers along the dusty book spines. As I turn down an emptier row, the hairs on my neck stand up. I have the distinct feeling that someone is watching me.

I pause, listening intently. All I hear is the soft hum of the lights overhead. I'm being ridiculous. I'm safe here. Taking a calming breath, I randomly select a book and flip through the pages.

"Well, well. Fancy seeing you here."

I nearly jump out of my skin as the book tumbles from my hands. Whirling around, I find myself face-to-face with Dimitri. He's leaning casually against the shelves, regarding me with an amused glint in his icy blue eyes.

"Did I scare you? My apologies," he says, clearly not apologetic at all. He bends to retrieve the fallen book, glancing at the cover. "Ah, quite the page-turner, I'm sure."

My heart hammers in my chest as I take a step back. "What are you doing here?" I hiss, eyes darting around to see if we're alone.

Dimitri sighs, wagging a finger at me. "Now, that's no way to greet your future boyfriend."

"You're definitely not in my future," I spit back as my hands ball into fists.

His eyes flash dangerously momentarily before his expression smooths back into casual amusement.

"Not yet. But soon, my love." He caresses my face, and I smack his hand away.

"Don't touch me," I snarl through gritted teeth, glancing anxiously towards the end of the aisle. I can't cause a scene here.

Dimitri notices my nervousness and steps closer, backing me against the shelf. He braces one hand on the books beside my head, caging me in place as he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Did you miss me, Sara? I missed you, a lot. It’s been a long fucking day and I couldn't stop thinking about our... quality time yesterday."

His hot breath on my skin makes me shudder with revulsion. I turn my face away, glaring at him.

"Leave me alone," I grit out quietly, afraid to draw attention.

Dimitri tuts, trailing a finger slowly down my arm. "I just want to talk."

I jerk my arm back, my heart pounding. "I have nothing to say to you, Dimitri."

His eyes harden, and his jaw clenches so tight I can see the muscles strain against his skin. For a moment, I think he might actually hurt me right here. But then his stony expression smooths back again into his perfectly crafted amused smirk.

"Let's not fight here and cause a scene, hmm Sara?" He glances meaningfully around at the quiet library. "Why don't we go somewhere more private to... chat?"

Before I can protest, his hand clutches my wrist in an iron grip. I struggle in vain as he drags me swiftly through the stacks towards a secluded corner. We pass by a small study room just big enough for a table and two chairs. Dimitri shoves me inside, and I stumble, bracing myself against the table.

He steps in after me and shuts the door firmly, flipping the lock. The click echoes with dreadful finality in the cramped space.
