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We stay like that for a long moment, wrapped in each other's embrace. It's a stolen moment of comfort, of connection, in the midst of the chaos that surrounds us.

But eventually, I pull away, wiping at my eyes and taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just..."

"Don't apologize," he says, his voice firm but gentle. "You have every right to be scared, to be angry. But you're not alone in this. We're going to face this together."

I nod, feeling a flicker of hope ignite in my chest. With Axel by my side, I can face whatever comes my way.

A knock on the door interrupts the moment, and Tessa pokes her head in. "Sasha, Simon needs to see you. It's about the package."

I feel the fear grip me once again, but I push it down, steeling myself for whatever lies ahead. I glance at Axel, seeing the same determination in his eyes.

Together, we walk out of the room, ready to face the unknown. But as we make our way down the hallway, I can't ignore the feeling that this is just the beginning, that the worst is yet to come.

And then, Simon's voice cuts through the silence, his words like a knife to the heart.

"Sasha, that package... it's not just a threat. It's a warning. That they know where you live, and that they're coming for you."

The world seems to tilt on its axis, the ground shifting beneath my feet. I feel Axel's hand on my arm, steadying me, anchoring me.

But even his touch can't chase away the icy fear that grips me, the terror that seeps into my bones. Because in this moment, I know that my worst nightmare has come true.

Axel's voice breaks through the cloud of dread, his tone urgent yet reassuring. "Sasha, we need to get you somewhere safe. Somewhere they can't reach you."

I nod, my mind reeling with the possibilities. A safe house? A hotel? But every option feels like a temporary solution, a Band-Aid on a gaping wound.

Simon clears his throat, his gaze darting between Axel and me. "I have a suggestion. Axel, what if you moved into Sasha's penthouse? You could provide 24/7 protection, and it would send a clear message to the stalker that she's not alone."

My breath catches in my throat, the idea simultaneously terrifying and comforting. Having Axel so close, so constantly present... It's a thought that sends a shiver down my spine. But at the same time, the prospect of facing this nightmare alone is even more daunting.

Axel's eyes meet mine, a silent question hanging between us. I can see the conflict in his gaze, the warring emotions of duty and desire. But there's also a glimmer of something else... something that looks a lot like hope.

"It's your call, Sasha," he says softly, his hand still resting on my arm. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, but only if you're comfortable with it."

I take a deep breath, weighing the options in my mind. The rational part of me knows that having Axel close by is the smartest choice, the one that offers the most protection. But the emotional part of me, the part that still remembers the taste of his kiss and the feel of his skin against mine... that part is terrified of what it might mean to have him so intimately entwined in my life once again.

But in the end, the need for safety wins out over the fear of the unknown. I nod, my voice barely above a whisper. "Okay. Let's do it."

Simon claps his hands together, a glimmer of relief in his eyes. "Great. I'll make the arrangements. Axel, you can move in tonight."

Tonight. The word hangs in the air like a promise and a threat all at once. In just a few short hours, Axel will be sharing my space, my life, in a way that feels both familiar and altogether new.

As we make our way out of the building, Axel's presence beside me is a solid reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. But it's also a reminder of the strength that I have within me, the resilience that has carried me through every trial and tribulation.

And as we step out into the waiting car, my hand finds Axel's, our fingers intertwining in a silent promise. Together, we'll find a way to overcome the darkness that threatens to consume me.



The drive to Sasha's gated community is a war between my head and my heart. Every turn of the wheel is a memory, every passing tree a reminder of the night that changed everything.

As I navigate the winding roads, I can't help but think back to that fateful evening—the pulsing beat of the club, the electricity between us, the way her body fit so perfectly against mine. It was a moment stolen out of time, a glimpse of what could have been.

But that was then, and this is now. I'm not the same man I was that night, and she's not the same woman. We've both grown, changed, and moved on with our lives.

Or have we?

The question lingers in the air as I pull up to the gate, the wrought iron bars standing tall like a barrier between two worlds. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come.
