Page 23 of Moon Fated Mate

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Savannah raised an eyebrow. “This isn’t about money. It’s something you must give up because there must be balance in the magical world.”

“Then fuck, yeah,” he said. “Whatever it is, I’ll pay.”

“Brinnah,” Savannah addressed. “Your friends, or Everett. You can only have one.”

Brinnah blinked, tears springing to her eyes. Kadie and Maggie. Her dream of bringing them to Sheridan crumbled. It broke her heart that she’d never see them again, but there was no hesitation in her choice.

“Everett,” she said softly. “I want him.”

Savannah stared into her eyes, finding the truth, and nodded. “Well, then. The only thing left for you to do is to return.”

She snapped her fingers, and Brinnah’s eyes opened. She was back in Sheridan with people staring wide-eyed.

“Brinnah!” Everett cried, hugging her.

A crowd had gathered and Savannah stood off to the side, head tilted. Their eyes met and the enchantress placed her index finger on her lips and gave a shush sign. Brinnah nodded, instantly understanding. Savannah’s secret wasn’t hers to tell. She might be angry at Savannah for not warning her, but she would never betray her trust. A groan brought her gaze around and she saw Vadin sit up.

“What the fuck?” he asked. He slapped his hand over his heart. “It’s gone. Holy shit, it’s gone! I don’t feel you anymore! Thank fuck! I came here ready to kill you, but now that thread is gone.”

Brinnah put her hand over her heart, mimicking him. Relief poured through her. “You’re right. I don’t feel it.”

“Wait. Something’s different…” His words trailed off as he frowned. “I don’t feel normal. Something’s wrong.”

Alpha Jericho and Beta Ledger marched over to him. Even from here Brinnah could feel the power of the alpha and beta wolf, the two men a force to be reckoned with.

“You entered the Sheridan Pack territory without permission,” Jericho growled. “This could be considered an act of war. Why are you here?”

“I came to sever the mating bond,” he replied. “But … something isn’t right.”

“You’ll be escorted off pack lands, Omega. If you ever return, I will put you down before you can blink.”

“Omega?” Vadin shook his head. “No, I’m a sentinel. I’m third in rank!”

Jericho shook his head. “I can smell your status. You’re definitely an omega.”

Brinnah glanced at Savannah, who raised an eyebrow, and she knew. Just as she had to give up her friends, Vadin lost his rank within the pack.

“Ledger,” Jericho addressed his beta. “Take a few men and march this one out of our territory. I will go lenient on you this time. If you return, tell your alpha to expect me and my wolves in open hostility.”

Ledger gave an understanding nod. “Ridge. Tiber. With me.”

The small circle of shifters watched as Vadin was led away. He screamed the entire time that he was not an omega. Fitting, she thought. Brinnah saw Esmeralda nod toward Savannah. So, the diner owner knew all along who the enchantress was, and kept quiet about it. Sometime soon, at least not for the next few days, she was going to have a talk with both of them, but right now, all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around Everett and not let go.

So, she did exactly that.


The moon was high in the sky. Scents of pine, leaves, and the undergrowth of plants whirled in the cool, crisp evening breeze. Brinnah and Everett held hands as they walked naked from their home into the woods. When they came to the pond, they looked up at the night sky, ready to shift into their wolves and run with the rest of the pack. It was the first time she’d be with others in wolf form, and she was nervous.

As they looked up at the moon, her heart sped up. An energy shifted and the earthy scents of sandalwood and spice drifted to her. It made her think of home. It also turned her on. She looked at Everett who stood smiling at her, the corner of his eyes crinkled in tenderness. She felt his love all the way to her soul.

“You feel it too, don’t you?”

She laid a hand over her heart. “Right here.”

He ran his knuckles down her cheeks. “We’re mates, Brinnah.”

Happiness poured into every ounce of her being. “We are, aren’t we?”

“I knew the High Luna had a plan,” he murmured. “She brought you to me, in the only way she could. I love you, my moon-fated mate.”

“I love you too.”

Then they shifted and ran through the night, joining their pack.

The End
