Page 19 of Lance

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While they were waiting on their salads, he reached out to Finn to see what he could find out about him. He nearly laughed when he found out that the man was having trouble adjusting to the women of this time period. It was like, and more than likely true, he’d been raised with very much older parents and didn’t know how to work the modern world yet. Like he didn’t understand why women were out in the workforce instead of being at home with their families. He didn’t think women should work at all other than to take care of him. He told Georgie what he’d found out.

“Well, that won’t go over well with anyone born in this century.” They both laughed, and he watched as she took the tomatoes off of his salad and gave him the croutons off hers. He actually loved tomatoes on a salad and the croutons, but it made her happy, so he was fine with that. “I have another job. I don’t know that I’m going to take it, though. The couple, they’re really strange in what they want in their home, and I can only do and see one of the rooms at a time. Also, they want gothic. I know what that means, but I’m not sure I could pull it off. I love color too much, and they want everything black and silver.”

“That doesn’t sound like something I could see you wanting to do either.” He enjoyed watching her eat, and when she found a black olive, something that he didn’t care for either, she shoved the plate away. Georgie called them black evils and wouldn’t eat the rest of her salad because there had been one to taint her salad. He handed her his. She did the same with his meal, taking his extra butter and taking his sour cream. Lance didn’t care for sour cream on his potato and was glad when she turned her nose up about the bacon bits. She was a joy to watch eat, he discovered.

They talked about the auction and how much fun it had been. He told her about the man who said his glass was worthless, and she laughed. While they were paying the check, she reminded him that they were going to pick up her brother tomorrow and asked him again if he had any problem with them staying with them.

“Not at all. I can’t wait to meet them.” She said that she’d not seen either of them in a while, so her judgment on them was old. “You don’t like them?”

“I do. I love them very much, but I don’t know that I’d want them to be around all the time. They have weird ideas about how to raise the kids. Like not spanking them—when we have kids, I’m going to beat their butts if they get smart with either of us. They like to have talks with them and not use violence. Philip had his butt whipped when he was a kid, so I’m not sure why he thinks that’s violent. But whatever, they’re not my kids.” He would have to stick close to Georgie so she’d not beat their butts and piss off her brother and his partner. Perhaps he’d better keep a close eye on the brothers, too. She might well beat them, too, he thought with a smile.

As soon as they were in the outlet stores that sold linens, he realized that there was a great deal more to owning and filling out a house than he’d ever thought. He decided to let her have a full run of the household, and he would just stand back and watch her make them a beautiful home. He could do that easily.
