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I’m met with dead silence on the other end, no typing, no voices in the background.

“Elliott, are you there?” I ask, sniffling again.

I hear the typing commence. “Yeah, I’m here.”

“Did you have me on mute?” I ask, my face glowing red with anger.

“Yeah, sorry. Greg stopped by to ask me something.” He pauses, “Sounds like a terrible day, babe. I’m sorry.”

I let out a loud sigh. “I know you are working, but is there any chance you can come help me change my tire?”

Silence again.


“You pay for Roadside Assistance through your insurance, right? Why don’t you just use that?” He answers, still clearly sounding distracted.

“Please tell me you are kidding right now.”

“I mean, I’m just in the middle of work and…”

I interrupt before he can continue. “So instead of taking a break to drive ten minutes to come help me, you want me to call Triple A and then possibly wait for hours for someone to come help me?”

“Well…” He trails off.

“Whatever.” I huff. “Nevermind. I’ll figure it out.” I end the call and let out a loud groan. How can he be so smart and such a freaking idiot?

I shake my head in disgust and call the one person I can always rely on to save the day.

“Hello?” He answers the phone on the second ring.

“Dad. I have a flat tire. Can you walk me through changing it over the phone?”

His soft chuckle rattles through the phone. “Is this one of those internet pranks?”

“No.” I sigh. “I’m stranded in downtown Oklahoma City with a flat.”

“Where’s Elliott?”

“Working.” I mumble in response.

“Oh. Too busy again. That sounds about right.” He sneers. “Tyler, what are you doing?”

“I’m sitting in my car in a parking lot having a mental breakdown?” I supply, trying to understand what he is getting at.

“No, with him. What are you doing?” He repeats. “Tyler, I love you and I have tried to be supportive, but can’t you tell that this is wrong?”

“Because he can’t come change a tire for me?” I sigh. I know exactly what he is getting at. I am just too emotionally exhausted to hash this out right now.

“No, because if he wanted to make you a priority, he would. He would have been there for the funeral. He wouldn’t leave you stranded to fend for yourself downtown with a flat tire. You deserve better than this, and it kills me to see you settle for less than you deserve.”

Another tear escapes through my eyelashes. He’s right, but I can’t think about it right now. I just need to handle what’s in front of me. There is no way I’m going to discuss the current state of my relationship with my dad right now. Especially when I’m not even sure what the current state is.

“Dad, can you please help me?” I ask, putting an earbud in my ear. I need to focus on the task at hand before I deal with the rest of the shit show my life has become.

“Of course, open your trunk.”

Chapter 8
