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“Well.” I pause. “I can’t exactly say no, can I?”

She shakes her head. “No, and I won’t let you. This is what you’ve always wanted! And this is even better because you didn’t have to drop the money to buy the building and you didn’t have to pay someone to renovate it.” She takes a sip of her coffee. “Literally all you have to do is set up shop. This is an actual dream come true.”

“I guess so.” Quickly, I move from my seat on the couch to collect a notebook. “I need to figure out what needs to be done. And what all I’m going to sell because books won’t be enough.”

Avery’s eyes open wide and she claps with excitement. “I have an idea! A book-ish boutique! You can get a wholesale license and have boutique clothing, gifts, and books. It’ll be perfect!”

I shake my head. “Avery, I know nothing about fashion, unless it’s all leggings and t-shirts.”

“That’s why you have me. I’ll help you pick things out.” She says with a shrug. “Oh, we are celebrating tonight. This is so exciting. Call Andrew and tell him we are going out tonight and to pick us up at nine.”

“Nine?” I grimace. “At night? Where in the hell are we going?”

Avery grins. “What else is there to do around here? We’re going line dancing.”

* * *

“I can not believe I let you talk me into this.” I grumble to Avery as we pull into the parking lot of Short Creek Saloon, the local dance hall. Short Creek is situated right at the edge of Fawn Creek city limits. It’s known for its rustic western decor, cheap beer and huge sawdust dance floor. Basically, it’s as close as you’ll get to a clubbing experience in Southeast Kansas and it is the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights in Fawn Creek. That is, if you’re young and enjoy standing elbow to elbow with a bunch of drunk people. For me, however, this is what I imagine hell to feel like for any introvert.

Sometimes there are so many 18 to 30-year-olds inside this place, you can hardly push your way through the crowd to get to the bar or the bathroom. Obviously, it’s not just Fawn Creek citizens that pack the place. People drive from all around to line dance, drink and socialize. I personally have only been here one time. I was home visiting for Avery’s 21st birthday and she drug me here, kicking and screaming. Even seven years later, it feels like I’m returning too soon.

“It’ll be fun,” Andrew says, putting the truck in park and killing the engine. “We just need to get a couple of drinks in you and you’ll be out there line dancing in no time.” He winks.

* * *

We walk into the bar and wait to have our IDs checked. This is the first chance I’ve had to really examine Avery’s outfit. Like the true fashionista she is, she’s wearing hot pink bell bottom jeans with a black crop top and booties. Tonight her hair is wavy and teased high, and she looks like she came straight from Texas. I swear she knows how to fit in everywhere she goes and has an outfit for every occasion. She is definitely going to be an asset for this whole bookish boutique plan. We spent most of the day toying with this plan. By the time she went home to get ready, we had filed for my wholesale license, my logo was designed and we made a plan to shop for used books.

Andrew loves the idea, too. He agrees that anything we can add to the shop to bring people in will be a great idea. He spent a good chunk of the day working on the building and is a good sport for being up to bringing us out tonight. I know he has to be tired, and hopefully we won’t be out too late tonight.

Just then, Andrew comes back with shots for the three of us and I know immediately that it’s going to be a long night.

“Cheers,” says Avery with a wink as we throw them back.

* * *

“Ladies and Gentleman, it is now 1:40 AM, and it is officially last call for alcohol. If you want a drink, you need to get one now. Otherwise, you’re out of luck.” the DJ’s voice booms through the speakers.

Avery and I make our way back to our bar stools from the dance floor and take a seat.

“How did it get so late?” I ask, pulling my sweaty hair away from my face, really wishing I had a ponytail holder on my wrist right about now.

“Um, three glasses of sex on the beach and two shots can sure make time fly.” Andrew laughs, sitting next to us.

I nod, realizing that we have all drank more than I thought we would. “We better get an Uber.” I say, pulling my phone out of my pocket and opening the app.

Avery and Andrew exchange a look.

“Are you going to tell her or should I?” Avery asks.

“I’m actually wondering how far she will get.” He says in response.

I look between the two of them. “What are you guys talking about?”

“How’s that Uber coming along?” Andrew teases.

“No rides available.” I read from my screen and then hold up my phone to show them. “Seriously? Fawn Creek doesn’t have Uber? Are we that far into the dark age?”

Andrew just shrugs. “I guess so.”
