Page 22 of Raven's Place

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We find a small cafe just around the corner, and Raven orders a bagel while I order a full English and tuck in the second it arrives. “I’ve only ever told Chains some of that stuff I told you last night,” she admits.

“What can I say, I’m easy to talk to.”

She smiles. “Maybe.”

We finish breakfast in silence, then her mobile rings. We both stare at it buzzing across the table, Vinn’s name flashing on and off. “If I don’t answer, he’ll keep ringing.”

“It’s taken him until now to check in on you,” I lie. “He deserves to wait.” She worries her lower lip. “It gets easier to ignore it, I promise.”

“Why are you ignoring Ruby?” she asks, pushing her phone away.

“Too much has happened, and I need to be away from her and everything else.”

“Do you still love her?” she asks.

“Maybe. It’s complicated.” I don’t deserve her is what I wanna say, but I don’t.

After breakfast, I make Raven take me to some tourist spots. She’s loving every minute as she tells me all about Chains doing the same for her when she came here. She missed out on this sort of thing growing up, so she’s excited every time we head to the next place.

We’re at Madame Tussauds when Riggs calls me, and I step away from Raven while she takes selfies next to the wax statues. “Yeah?” I answer.

“Where are you?”

“Needed some time, Pres,” I say. “Everything okay?”

“I just had Vinn here screwing about Raven not answering his calls or some shit. He came looking for her last night too, and I realised you’ve both been missing since yesterday. He said you screwed up a job.”

“I finished a job. It was gonna end that way anyway, and he’s just pissed he didn’t get the glory.”

“Look, Mac, I don’t know how things were done in Nottingham, but we’re in deep with Vinn. You got a problem with that, come speak to me. Don’t go rogue on jobs. Is Raven with you?”


“You know her and Vinn are hooking up, right?”

“They were, not anymore. But it’s not like that between us, Pres. You know why I came here—I’m not looking for more drama, I just feel bad for her. She’s upset over him.”

“Some advice for you, brother, let them deal with it. Don’t get involved, especially going up against Vinn. It won’t end well.”

“Ain’t it your job to keep Raven safe? To look after her? She needs the club right now.”

“Fuck, Mac. You’ve been here two minutes and you’re already upsetting people. Don’t add me to the fucking list. Get Raven to Vinn now. It’s work-related.”

“I can’t do that, Pres. I’m sorry. “

“It’s an order, Mac!” he snaps.

I disconnect the call, and Raven rushes over and throws her arms around my neck. “I’m having the best day, Mac. Thank you so much.”

I smile. “No problem.”
