Page 27 of Raven's Place

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“Christ, Mac. Why the fuck would you lay claim to someone you hardly know?” asks Ace.

“Whatever the reasons, it means Raven is now an official part of the family. We take care of her like we do all the ol’ ladies around here. Things with the mafia are good right now, and I hope it doesn’t change because of Mac and his surprise claiming.”

“And if it does?” I ask.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I don’t think Vinn would let his personal life interfere with business. However, I’m pulling you off any jobs involving him. Strictly club business only from now on.” I nod, happy with that.

We go over other business, then I go to find Anna because she wants me to look at the books for her bar. We sit in the main room as I begin looking over the figures. It’s a good little earner. “Do you like Raven?” she suddenly asks, and I glance up at her. “Just, it’s nice to see her settled.”

“I wouldn’t call her settled,” I mutter. “I’m just helping her through a rough time.”

“You know, she latches on very easily, so if you’re not planning on making it serious, be careful.”

“What do you mean? I thought she hadn’t had relationships.”

“She hasn’t, as far as I know. She had a thing with Chains and they still spend a lot of time together, it bothers Leia. And she had a thing for Riggs.”


“Well, I’m just saying be careful.”

“When I look at Raven, I see a woman needing love. She’s surrounded by couples and kids, and she wants that too. She’ll never have that with Vinn. I’m gonna keep her away from him until she finds someone.”

“Okay,” Anna nods, “I’m just worried for her. What if she falls for you and then you walk away too?”

“She won’t fall for me. We’re friends.”

“I hope you’re right, Mac. Like you said, she deserves to find her happily ever after.”

Riggs heads over, kissing Anna on the head before fixing me with a glare. “Vinn called. He wants you on a job.”

“But you said—”

“I know what I said. I tried to get you out of it, but he was hell-bent on keeping things as they are. He said you and Chains are good at the collecting.”

“Right. Okay, if you’re sure.”

“But let me warn you,” says Riggs, firmly, “don’t mess with him, Mac. Just do what he pays us for and keep your head down and your nose clean. No more ignoring orders or offing people on a whim. You clear shit with me if you have a problem.”

I nod. “Yes, Pres.”
