Page 30 of Raven's Place

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Once he’s gone, Gerry leaves with the cash Chains and Mac delivered, and Vinn hovers over my desk. “So?”

“So?” I repeat.

“Did you get it? The tattoo?”

I lay my wrist on the desk, and he peers at the tattoo. “Fuck, you really did. All this trouble just so I can’t have you. You must really hate me, Corvo.”

“It’s because I don’t hate you that Mac’s doing this.”

“You don’t think there’s an ulterior motive behind his help?”

I shrug. “If there is, I’ll deal with it.”

“I’ll never give up,” he says, running his finger along my jawline.

“What did Sofia say?”

His face hardens as he rubs his thumb against my lower lip and his eyes darken with desire. “What could she say? It’s not like she can cancel the wedding. We’re both stuck in this, whether we like it or not.”

“You know, you could just make it work with her, Vinn. There’s a choice.”

He smirks. “I know.” He heads back into his office, and I gently touch my lip where his thumb was.

* * *

At six, I head downstairs and find Mac waiting at the bar. I usually go home now and change, ready for my evening job in the club. “Your carriage awaits, madam.”

I smile, following him out to his bike. I could get used to this.

Back at the club, I shower and change. I’m straightening my hair when Mac knocks on my door and steps inside. He drops down on my bed. “Don’t you get tired of always working?” he asks, thoughtfully. “I’ve never known anyone work as much as you.”

“I like to keep busy.”


I shrug. It’s too soon to tell him why I can’t stop, not even for a second. Because the minute I do, I’m flooded with memories. Memories I can’t deal with, still after all these years. “I like the money.”

“You live here, do you really need so much?”

I laugh. “Mac, I’ve been on the streets. I don’t ever want to go back there and I know how easily that can happen. One day, your life can be amazing, and the next, something bad happens and it’s all gone. I want enough money to never have to worry.”

“You’re my ol’ lady now, so technically, I have to look after you.”

“I’ll never depend on a man. Not like that.” It comes out harsher than I meant it to. “Besides, don’t you have to support Ruby?”

He sighs heavily. “Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Her name just keeps coming up.”

“You won’t talk about her, so it makes her even more intriguing.”

“As a matter of fact, I don’t support her. She’s still under the club in Nottingham.”

“Even though you’re not there?”


“So, she’s still your ol’ lady then?”

“Technically. Like I’ve already said, it’s complicated.” I want to push him and ask why he lied when I first asked if he had an ol’ lady. But instead, I open my underwear drawer, pull out a black matching set, and throw it on the bed, followed by a tight-fitted dress. Mac picks up the lace garments and rubs the material between his fingers. “Who are you trying to impress?”
