Page 57 of Raven's Place

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“He’s my boss. It’s my job.”

“No, it isn’t, and as your old man, I’m telling you it isn’t, or I’ll stop you working for him. You do his shitty office work and that’s it. No more being his bitch. I thought we’d already cleared this up several times.”

“You give me a couple of orgasms and think you own me,” she says, adding a small grin.

I press my lips against hers, backing her to the wall. “Damn fucking right.”

Vinn coughs, and I smirk against her lips. I’m glad he’s seen us together like this. Maybe now he’ll take the hint. “We’re done,” he says. “Let him go, dump him at the docks.”

“She’s done doing your dirty work,” I say, nodding towards Raven. “From now on, she handles your office work or nothing at all. I don’t want her doing shit like that.”

Vinn looks at Raven and grins. “That right, Corvo?”

“Her name is Raven. You keep using that fucking pet name for her, and I might have to stop you seeing her altogether.”

Vinn holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, no more pet names, no more hard labour. I get it.”

I kiss Raven, hard. “See you later, baby.” She smiles, nodding.

* * *

“Are you and Raven a real thing now?” asks Blade. He takes a sharp left, and Mr. Clay falls onto me. I shove him back into the middle of us.

“You could have made him look less suspicious,” I mutter.

Blade grins over at me. “You think the black sack on his head is too much?”

“Yes, Blade. It’s worrying that you don’t!”

“So, you and Raven?” he pushes, turning into the docks. It’s quiet, and we make our way to the far end where nobody bothers to walk their dogs.

“We’re seeing how it goes. It’s all very new.”

“Aww, man, I’m pleased for yah both. She deserves a good man.”

I scoff at his words. “I wouldn’t say I’m good.”

He stops the van, and we get out. I pull Mr. Clay out too, his hands tied behind his back and his ankles bound together. I sit him against a metal container and pull the sack off his head. He blinks a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light, as I cut his hands free. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, brother. She doesn’t want a law-abiding citizen or she wouldn’t hang out with bikers.”

“Why didn’t we just drop him home?” I ask, cutting Clay’s ankle ties. “It makes no sense, dropping him here.”

“Following orders,” says Blade. “You seem to have a real problem with that.”

“You heard what Mr. Romano said,” I say, looking Clay firmly in the eyes. “Speak to the Gazette. There’s gonna be some real problems for you if they print another bullshit story.”

“Yah know,” he says, rubbing his wrists, “rumour has it, he really fell in love with your girl. You should keep an eye on her. When Vinn Romano tells a girl he loves her, it’s unlikely he’ll just walk away.”

“Thanks for the advice, but concentrate on sorting your own problems.”
