Page 13 of Wanting Mrs. Clarke

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Their waiter returned with their drinks, and Kate took a long, refreshing sip of orange juice, knowing she had to rehydrate after last night.

God, last night. She still hadn’t had a chance to relive any of it, but when Lexi got up to find the restrooms a few minutes later, Kate couldn’t stop her mind from drifting back to just a few hours ago, to the way Hollis had made her come again and again.

The way Hollis had been was actually remarkable. There had been zero signs of self-doubt. Maybe she was feeling it, but she certainly hadn’t shown it. If Kate hadn’t known that this was Hollis’s first time, she would have never guessed.

Even just the way that Hollis had kissed her. Before anything had happened. Kate closed her eyes for a second, her skin tingling as she thought about the way they’d danced together and how their lips had fit together so perfectly.

Every muscle in her body ached right now, but Kate wanted more. She wondered how soon was too soon to knock on Hollis’s door or should she just hope that she’d bump into her down here in the afternoon?

Also, she needed to sleep. That realization hit her like an unexpected wave crashing into her, her eyelids suddenly heavy. She’d get some breakfast, and then fall into bed for a few hours.


Hollis’s room was dark except for a sliver of light creeping in through the curtains. She blinked as she tried to read the clock beside her bed. 4:22. It took Hollis a second to register whether that was four o’clock in the morning or in the evening, until she stretched her hands over her head and felt every muscle in her body aching.

It was the middle of the day, because Hollis had been awake at four in the morning last night. She closed her eyes again, a smile coming to her lips. Had that really happened? If her body wasn’t so sore right now, she’d nearly think that she’d dreamt the entire night up, because it was not at all what she thought would happen this weekend.

Yes, the whole point of being here was to meet someone, but even when she’d wheeled her suitcase up to her room yesterday afternoon, she still hadn’t been sure that she actually would. Maybe she would have found the courage to introduce herself to someone and maybe they would have shared a kiss, but that was the extent of her hopes for this weekend.

Hollis pushed the sheets back and swung her legs out of the bed, her bare feet hitting the plush carpet as she padded into the bathroom and took the robe down from the hook on the back of the door. Before she slid it on though she caught the red lines etched in the skin over her lower back, and Hollis’s knees went weak, remembering exactly when that had happened.

She put on the robe and brushed her teeth, hardly recognizing the woman staring back at her. Her hair was disheveled. Her cheeks had a warm glow to them, and for the first time in a very long time, she felt truly happy. Light almost.

Hollis padded back into the bedroom and ordered room service, her stomach grumbling as she placed the order for a caesar salad, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since this time yesterday, and who knows how many calories she’d burnt last night.

Hollis had a quick shower, knowing she wanted to be out and dressed before her food arrived, but the entire time, she couldn’t stop herself from replaying as much as she could remember from last night. She hated that she couldn’t remember every single detail, but last night had been a blur. She couldn’t blame the alcohol. She hadn’t had much. She didn’t know what it was, but it had been a whirlwind of a night.

Even when she thought about the way they’d danced together, how already at that point their chemistry had been insane. Hollis turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, drying herself off and noticing a few more marks around her thighs, probably from Kate’s fingers gripping her as she’d come.

As Hollis slipped into a pair of navy shorts and pulled on a white tank top, she tried to count how many times she’d come last night. Six at least. Maybe seven? She hadn’t even known that it was possible. A flash of Kate’s body moving against hers, her hips rocking against her thigh as they kissed came into her mind, and Hollis remembered joining her, her body already so spent yet so turned on at that point. Maybe it was more like eight.

A knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts, and she opened the door, more than ready to eat something.

As she sat down at the table and ate, she was only a few bites in when she dropped her fork against the bowl with a clatter. How had she not gotten Kate’s number?

A wave of panic swept through her before she forced herself to think logically. It was Saturday evening. Everyone that was here was probably staying until at least Sunday morning if not until Monday. If Hollis went downstairs and spent her time moving between the lobby, the bar, and the pool area, she was bound to see Kate.

By the time she was done eating, another anxious thought popped into her head. What if Kate was ready to move on to someone else tonight? Wasn’t that what these wild weekends away were like? What if Hollis went out there now and saw her at the bar by the pool kissing another woman.

Kate had every right to. Last night was last night, and as world altering as it had been for Hollis, it might have been just another night for Kate.

“It couldn’t have been though,” she said to herself as she went into the bathroom to put on her makeup.

Hollis wasn’t exactly in a position to start a relationship, because she was technically still in one no matter how loveless it was. What could she even offer Kate beyond this weekend? And that was if Kate was even interested?

There was also the problem of Kate’s age, which Hollis still didn’t know, and maybe that was for the best. There were at last fifteen years between them, and although it hadn’t come up last night, it was still something to consider.

“Shit,” Hollis said as she put on her mascara and stood back from the mirror to get a better look.

This was not the problem she thought she’d have leaving this weekend. She thought that she’d regret not acting on her attraction if she met someone who intrigued her. She never would have guessed that she’d be thinking about how she could see that woman again after this weekend because they’d spent the entire night in each other’s arms.

But she wasn’t leaving. Not yet. She still had the rest of today, and then she was due to check out on Sunday morning. That was when she’d worry about what comes next.


It was almost six o’clock by the time Kate got back downstairs. She’d spent the day sleeping and ordered room service for dinner. After a long shower, she was starting to feel like herself again. She put on her favorite pair of army green shorts and a black tank top,but there was a nervous energy coursing through her as she left her hotel room.

Would she see Hollis downstairs? And what would her reaction be? Would they pick up where they left off? What if Hollis regretted last night?
