Page 46 of Auctioned Virginity

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“Stop this,” Romero barked. He rounded on me, reaching for my arms, but I jerked out of reach.

“Eight hundred thousand,” Rafael quipped.

“No one is fucking her!” Romero bellowed.

I leaned close, whispering conspiratorially, “Better take a seat so you can bid.”

His eyes widened, though an unmistakable flare of heat filled them. “Get your ass upstairs. I’ll deal with you in a minute.”

“One million,” Kieran tossed out to the tense room.

A grumbling sound vibrated in Romero’s chest. I couldn’t help but smirk. This was pissing him off.


“I’ve decided that since you wouldn’t have me when I offered it for free, I’d throw money into the mix since it’s something you’re so familiar with?”

His lip curled. “That’s what this is about? Because I wouldn’t fuck you on my desk? Grow up, Julietta. You’re not some whore who uses her body to manipulate people.”

“I wasn’t manipulating you,” I fired back. “I wanted you. But you’re too much of a coward to accept it, so I’m going to give someone who really wants it a chance.” I gestured to the room.

“Two million,” Eli said in a tone that bordered on laughter.

My eyes went wide. That was a big jump. Don’t they know they’re supposed to keep it low to give Romero a chance to bid?

Nostrils flaring, Romero held still, glaring down at me in silent fury.

“Two and a half mil,” Darren added, finally coming into the picture.

Kieran smirked. “Five million if I can watch them all fuck you first.”

I leaned around Romero and snapped, “You can’t change the terms.”

“Besides, you’d have to pay me twenty just to get my dick out in front of you,” Rafael said before sipping a glass of something clear. I wasn’t sure when he’d grabbed it.

Aaron laughed. “That small, eh?”

Romero’s eyes closed, and I tuned out the men sniping back and forth. I waited to see what he’d do. If he’d toss me over his shoulder and take me up to his room or if he’d bend me over the pool table, taking me like the savage I knew he was.

His eyes shot open, still holding an ocean of rage. “Get out, you asswipes. I want you out of this state tonight.”

“Not until you bid,” I said through gritted teeth.

“One billion dollars,” Romero said so loudly, I jumped.

Then my heart stopped. “Th-this isn’t a joke.”

His eyes narrowed. “I never said it was. You want me to buy your body, fine. I did. I’ll fuck it like I’d fuck any other overpriced prostitute and then I’ll send you on your way.”

My blood roared in my ears, rage building inside me. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“I told you we couldn’t be anything more, and I meant it. You’re not in love with me, and I don’t have the capacity for love. I never have. You’re not going to be my wife; you aren’t going to carry my babies.”

His voice faltered and my lips parted.

The way his eyes dipped to my bare stomach made me think he liked that idea. But I knew it was never going to happen. I lifted my chin, trying to keep my lips from quivering.

“I care for you and I know you care for me,” I challenged. “It doesn’t have to be forever; it just has to be right.”
