Page 52 of Auctioned Virginity

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“If we wanted you dead, we’d have done it while you slept so soundly,” Rafael said with a chuckle, as though that might somehow be reassuring.

My heart hammered in my chest. Before I could reconsider, I darted to my left, racing for the stairs as though my life depended on it.

“Julietta!” one of them called after me. But I didn’t stop, didn’t slow.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs behind me. I flew around the corner and down the hall, skidding into my room. I slammed the door shut just in time to catch a glimpse of Aaron. My fingers shook as I flicked the lock shut, and I backed away like the door might suddenly explode.

“Julietta, please unlock the door. I get that you’re scared, but we can’t protect you as easily if we have to break the door down to make sure you’re safe.”

My vision swam. Hot tears burned behind my eyelids, tears I wouldn’t let fall. He’d lied to me. Everything had been a lie. I turned, flopping down onto my bed and letting my anger and despair for the man I’d started to fall in love with consume me.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Two Years Ago

When my shift at Jean’s Shoes and Repairs came to an end, I headed out into the cool night air. It was inventory night, which meant I’d worked three hours longer than usual. Not that I was complaining—I needed the hours.

Heading toward my car, I spied the security truck pulling up close to it. I’d have to move it since I’d been parked in the same spot for four days. Arie was on a family vacation in Europe, and her parents had shot down the idea of me staying there on my own while they were gone. Apparently, I looked like I was going to steal everything they owned.

Now, I was in desperate need of a hot shower and some food.

Pulling out my phone, I opened my bank app to check the balance. But an error message told me my wireless balance was zero. Meaning I’d have no service or mobile data until I bought a phone card.

I sighed, looking across the parking lot. The cell store was dark already. Shit. My shoulders sagged.

Payday was next week, and I’d be able to afford another two, maybe three days at a hotel, which would keep Arie’s parents from calling Social Services on me. Until then, I’d have to find somewhere else to shower.

I tugged my keys from my bag and unlocked the door, falling into the driver seat with a heavy sigh. Leaning across the center console, I picked up the box of protein bars. One fell onto the seat, making my throat tight. I whipped my head to check for whatever food I had left at the back.

Three empty boxes, and one bottle of water.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I choked out.

I exhaled sharply. Falling back into the seat properly, I grabbed the protein bar moodily, tore open the wrapping, and took a large bite.

My head rested against the seat, my eyes shut.

This was so fucking stupid, Julietta, I told myself. You’re going to die if you don’t get your shit together.

But I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I didn’t have a home.

I didn’t have parents.

The only person that was going to care for me was me.

Romero’s parting words filled my mind, pressing in on my weakness. “You’re always welcome back here. No questions asked.”

But I didn’t belong there. My mom was dead. He wasn’t my dad. He wasn’t anything anymore.

It was his house.

I was nothing.

Not to him or to anyone.

I shoved the last bite into my mouth and chewed the dry, tough bar with the beginning of a headache forming in the back of my head.
