Page 100 of Seize

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“I don’t suppose you or the club have any idea where Vince Martelli might have disappeared to?” she questioned with her eyes narrowed.

He shrugged casually. “Not a clue.”

We hadn’t had time to talk about what happened, Detective Moore and her cop friends busting into the room not long after I’d become conscious. What I did know, though, was that this was a time to let him step in and take control of the situation. I trusted Bishop with my life, and he knew what to do and say to keep the club and me safe.

“He killed three people and was attempting to traffic women to God knows where,” Detective Moore said, scrunching her nose in disgust. “He deserves everything that’s coming to him and then some, but it could save me a lot of manpower right now if I knew for sure he was no longer a threat to anyone.”

Bishop pushed off the wall, stepping closer to my bed. “You want my advice, detective?”

Her eyebrow raised, and her head fell to the side. “I’m not sure your advice is what I’m looking for exactly, but sure, enlighten me.”

He folded his arms across his chest, pushing his shoulders back. “Let karma deal with this one,” Bishop suggested, meeting her challenging stare across the room. “Vince Martelli already has one foot in hell. Just let the flames consume him.”

She pressed her lips together in a hard line, inhaling through her nose. “Bishop, if you know—”

“I told you, I don’t.”

She let out a heavy sigh, shaking her head and pointing her notepad at me. “We’ll be in touch.”

“Sure,” I answered, trying not to grin.

Bishop was a man of few words, which only made it that much more impressive when he won arguments.

Hawk, on the other hand, couldn’t hide his smug grin as he got up from his chair in the corner, following her and the other uniformed cops with her to the door, making sure he pushed it shut tight behind her. “That woman is a hard-ass.”

“She is,” I agreed, watching Bishop as he walked around my bed, taking the seat beside me. I laid my hand out, palm up, and he took it, grabbing it tightly and lifting it to his lips.

“She’s a bitch,” Bishop agreed, leaning back in his chair but continuing to grip my hand like at any moment I might be ripped away. “But at least we all know she’ll definitely pull her men back and let Vince’s mistakes destroy him. It saves her a lot of time.”

“You think?” Hawk questioned, looking curiously toward the door like maybe he’d missed something

“I know,” Bishop answered, not even a question in his voice.

Hawk nodded. “We still need to move quickly, though,” he insisted, reaching for the door.

“I won’t be long,” Bishop said, looking to me.

“I’ll give you two a few minutes and meet Missy and Kadey out in front. I’ll take them to see Whip before they come and pester you.”

My shoulders lifted as I pulled in a deep breath. “Whip’s okay?”

Hawk nodded. “Bullets didn’t hit anything vital. Had a short surgery earlier, but they said he’s all fixed up.”

I sank back into the pillows with a smile, squeezing Bishop’s hand. “Thank God for that.”

Hawk smiled and ducked out the door, leaving us in silence for the first time since I’d woken up.

“If you need to go…”

He shook his head, reaching for my face with his free hand and cradling my cheek. “I’m exactly where I need to be,” he rasped, holding my teary gaze. “It’s gonna take time, but you’re gonna get past this. It’s not a setback.”

Tears trickled down my cheeks. “I’m so angry,” I whispered, trying to breathe through the sudden wave of emotions as I thought of those damn little pills and how they’d come back to haunt me. “I worked so hard, and now...”

“You did not have a choice,” he said sternly.
