Page 17 of Seize

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My love for my club and brothers was something of its own. I’d kill for them. I’d die for them. But I’d always known, without a doubt, that the way I loved my wife and daughter would always be something special.

It was the love I would burn down the world and every fucking thing in it for.

Like Calli said, it was above all else. And something so far from what The Valley had taught.

It was never going to be conditional, it was never going to be used as a bargaining tool, and I was never going to let anyone or anything come before them.

“I just think it would be a shame if Mom and I were the only ones who got to experience that.”

Sighing heavily, I held out my arms, and she rushed forward, diving into them. We rocked back and forth, my entire world just wrapped up right there.

“Will you just think about it?” she prompted again when she finally stepped back.

“I’ll think about it.”

If I were being honest, I already had been thinking about someone.

And unfortunately, I knew she definitely wasn’t who Calli had in mind, so thinking was going to be where it would stop.

Chapter Seven


My foot bounced, my agitation growing as I looked down at the time on my phone and then back up at the Detroit skyline, standing tall and proud across the water.

Sunset Point had become one of my favorite places in the world, not that I’d seen the world.

But in the years when we were on the run with Mom, I had seen twenty-nine of the fifty states, and this still took the top spot.

“Hey, sis,” Ali greeted me with a smile, dropping down onto the park bench beside me like he wasn’t thirty minutes late. “This place is cute.”

“What’s going on, Ali?” I asked, getting straight to the point. “What are you doing in Detroit?”

The last time I checked, my brother was living in Cincinnati. He had a job moving dirt or working for the council, keeping the parks clean or something.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked at the dirt. “I moved in with Jason.”

I turned my entire body to face him, shaking my head. “Alister David Clarke, I swear to God, you better not be talking about the Jason I think you’re talking about.”

“Come on, Shay. He’s not—”

“Do not end that sentence with that bad.” I grabbed his face, giving it a hard shake before he jerked back and slapped my hand away. “He is that bad, Ali. He’s worse than that bad.”

Ali narrowed his eyes. “Look. I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do, and he got me a job. He works at this factory recycling boxes or some shit,” he explained, and for a second I had to wonder if I was wrong. Maybe Jason giving Ali a job wouldn’t be so bad. “I just need to pay him the money I owe him first.”

Nope. I was right.

“Money you owe him for what?”

His head dropped, and he pressed his palm to his forehead. “I just… I needed some stuff to take the edge off. Jason does some dealing on the si—”

“Ali,” I threw my hands in the air before tilting my head back and pinching my eyes closed, praying to fucking someone for more patience because if I didn’t find some, I would lose my shit on my big brother. “Ali,” I repeated, a little calmer this time, slowly lowering my head and inhaling deeply through my nose. “You were clean. You got out of jail, and you’ve been clean. Why would you go back?”

He didn’t move.

Not to look up and answer me or even acknowledge he’d heard anything I’d just said.

It’d been years since I felt like Ali was the older sibling in this relationship. While he was locked up, I was the one who made sure he had everything he needed and that he was looking after himself. And when he got out, I found him a cheap place to rent and helped him apply for work.
