Page 32 of Seize

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“I think, unfortunately, a job of ours may have crossed over with something of yours recently.” I leaned forward and braced my elbows on my knees, cupping my hands together. “It was unintentional, obviously, but the second I found out, I got Hawk to make this meeting with you to sort it out before anyone else got hurt.”

He sat tall, his brows shooting up. “Who got hurt?”

The surprise was genuine, meaning Vince probably hadn’t been in much contact with his father since that morning. Everything had been left to the family lawyers to deal with.

Hopefully, that was going to work in my favor.

“Someone very close to the club. She works at the hospital, and Vince came in this morning with a young girl.” The way his surprise instantly dropped into a heavy frown at the mention of Vince with Alice was a telling sign. “This person ended up stepping in to stop Vince from taking the girl out of the hospital, and I’m sure you’re aware of the results of that.”

“I am,” he answered, drawing out the word. “The lawyers say they’ll have him out this afternoon.”

“You don’t sound certain that’s a good thing.”

He pursed his lips and stared out into the trees for a moment before returning his gaze to mine, no doubt considering his words. “My son’s obsession with this young girl has been going on for a while. I’m glad it’s finally done with, though I’m sure he’s going to feel like he needs someone to be held accountable.” He let out a heavy sigh. “As much as I regret my son’s behavior, this woman being an associate of the club isn’t exactly enough for me to step in here, Bishop. You’re aware of this.”

I was.

We had a gentleman’s agreement. One that had been in place for more than twenty years. We stayed out of each other’s business, respected the other’s territory, and agreed that wives and children were always untouchable.

That had always been very clear.

But there has to be a line.

If one of his men stole something from me, Frank wouldn’t protect them.

Vince sees what Shay did as taking something he owned, and since Shay is only associated with the club casually, I don’t have the right to tell him to back off without starting a serious fucking problem.

And possibly a war.

I cleared my throat, rolling my hands into fists but quickly tucking them in under my arms. “And if she was more than just an associate?”

Frank’s brow pinched between his eyes as he narrowed them at me. “Well, it would depend. But she would have to be someone pretty important for me to step in and keep Vince in line.” This was a bad idea. “Is she more than just a club associate?”

It was a really fucking bad idea.

But it was the only one I had, and if I didn’t get this sorted immediately, Shay would be in very real danger. Vince Martelli was mentally unstable. I’d known that before, but with the way his father was speaking, it sounded like even he was struggling to control the little bastard.

It made me sick to think about what he would do if he got his hands on Shay.

I wasn’t going to let that happen.

If he even came near Shay, I would kill him, and if that happened, I needed to be sure that Frank Martelli would have my back and not his son’s.

It sounded fucked up.

How did you get the head of Detroit’s most powerful crime family to take your side over his flesh and blood?

By doing this.

“Yeah.” I swallowed hard. “Yeah, Shay is my Old Lady.”

Chapter Thirteen


“It’s seven in the morning.” The low rumble of Bishop’s voice from behind me was something I’d been expecting, though hoping to avoid for a couple of hours yet. “Are you baking?”

I’d commandeered his kitchen the moment the sun rose. It was a beautiful sight after spending the whole damn night lying in Calli’s childhood bed, staring at the ceiling.
