Page 36 of Seize

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Trigg leaned forward, his hand in the air.

“Go ahead,” I acknowledged.

“So, I’m going to assume that means you told him that, but you and Shay aren’t actually together?”

Technically, no.

And I couldn’t explain how pissed off I was having to admit that.

“As far as anyone outside this room is concerned, Shay is my Old Lady.”

Hawk tapped his finger on the table. “You expecting any blowback from Vince? Frank didn’t seem all that confident in his son’s choices as of late, and I’m wondering just how capable he’ll be of controlling the little bastard.”

It was something that had been playing on my mind.

Frank Martelli had an army. Many men under him willing to die for that family and its name. Vince, no matter how psychotic, was a part of that family, too, and he had some control over those men.

Hell, he somehow managed to make Shay and Calli’s apartment target practice while he was being processed at the police station.


Probably a dirty cop making the call for him. This shit ran deep.

“Frank promised no retribution. He knows that any attack on Shay would mean me coming after that fucking little shithead son of his.”

“Not just you,” Cain countered. “He comes after Shay, he comes after the club.”

A hum of agreement moved around the table, and I’d never in my life felt so fucking humble. These men cared about Shay. She’d been in our lives for a few years now. But above that, they were willing to back me, no questions asked.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that,” I answered with a sharp nod. “For now, Match, I need some tracking on Shay’s phone.”

“Done,” he answered instantly.

“And for everyone, just keep your eyes and ears open. Let me know if you notice anything strange. Now, are there any other matters?”


“Excellent.” I hammered the gavel. “Dismissed.”

Hawk fell into step with me as I followed my men out of church and down the hall. “How’s Shay doing with all this?”

“Better,” I answered, instantly knowing it didn’t sound convincing. “Actually, she’s struggling. Not sure she got much sleep last night, if any.”

Arriving at Calli and Shay’s place the previous day continued to replay in my mind—the moment we pulled up to the apartment, and I saw the side of the building riddled with bullet holes.

All I could do was stand there, thinking about how close I might have come to losing her.

Each step I took up the stairs and down the hallway to that apartment felt like a knife in my fucking chest, knowing if she’d been in that apartment, I wouldn’t have even blinked at showing up at Frank Martelli’s golf game and having a whole separate conversation with him. One where I let him know, without any apprehension, that I was going to kill his fucking son for what he’d done.

If Vince had hurt Shay, I would have started a war.

And yet, even though every fucking moment between us was lingering longer, I was still holding back.

“You should take her into Brawlers to train with Rafe,” Hawk suggested as we strolled into the bar area. “I saw him working with some of the younger kids last week. He’s good with them… patient. Maybe it would make Shay feel a little better to take some power back.”

“Honestly, it’s not such a bad idea,” I agreed, pausing beside the sofa where Shay was out like a light, her hair splayed around her head like a halo. “She’s always throwing herself into dangerous situations. Maybe if she actually knew what the fuck she was doing, she might not get so damn hurt.”

Hawk chuckled, heading for the bar. “Sorry,” he said, but with a grin. “It’s just, I haven’t seen you so frustrated by a woman since Lucy offered to teach those classes at the prison.”
