Page 81 of Seize

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My mouth dropped open, my feet moving across the bar without me even telling them to. Calli hopped off her stool just in time to catch me as I launched myself at her, wrapping my arms around her neck.

We cackled with laughter, swaying back and forth like we were dancing.

I sucked in a deep breath, pulling back and grabbing her arms. “When… how… why didn’t you…”

“About an hour ago. Dad picked me up from the airport because I told him I wanted to surprise you,” she answered, the only person who was ever able to make sense of my rambling. “Are you surprised?”

“In the best kind of way,” I told her, letting loose an exhausted laugh. “Today has really been something. Actually, the past few weeks have really been something.”

“I want to hear about it! Dad said you’re still at his place?” she questioned, leaning over the bar and reaching for two already-made cocktails, placing one before each of us. “You still struggling with the night shift? Or having trouble with the guy who attacked you? Have you talked to Dad about it? You know he’d sort—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I said with a laugh, waving my hands around. “Can we deal with all that later? I’m just happy to see you.”

She threw her arms around me again.

There was something about Calli’s hugs that were almost motherly.

It was this tight, comforting squeeze that felt like when I was falling apart, she would pull all my pieces back together.

“Hey, Cal! Some mail came for you yesterday!” Summer, one of the club girls called, waving a large white envelope.

Calli pulled back, a surprised look on her face as she walked over to Summer. “It came to the clubhouse?” she questioned, tearing it open while I turned back to the bar and picked up one of the drinks she’d made. I threw half of it back before taking a breath.

Now, it wasn’t just about making my day better and celebrating that my best friend was he—

“What the hell does this mean?”

With a smile on my face, I put my drink down and spun around. “You struggling with reading your mail…” my words fell away, and I felt the blood drain from my face. “Calli…”

She held up a piece of paper, the image on it clearly having been printed on some home computer setup because it was grainy and muddy, the quality horrendous.

But it didn’t matter.

It was undoubtedly a picture of Bishop and me in the open private field he’d taken me to on our ride, our bodies twisted together in a very compromising position.

Oh God.

This can’t be happening.

“What’s going on?” Bishop questioned as he and Blue strolled out, both men squinting as they examined the photo Calli was still holding up, her hand shaking. Bishop noticed it first, snatching the picture and screwing it into his fist. “Where the hell did you get this?”

She turned again, grabbing a large white envelope and slamming the entire thing against her father’s chest. “In here, with what I could only guess is about fifty fucking more!”

Tears streaked down her cheeks, and she stared directly at me, shaking her head silently in disbelief.

I was going to be sick.

Seeing Calli upset had always hit me like a punch in the gut because I knew just how strong she was. It took a lot to break her, and to know that I was the one who’d done this—who’d made her feel this way—made me feel like throwing myself in front of a train.

Who the hell does this to their best friend?

Bishop stepped in front of me, cutting through that direct line of sight between us. “Calli, it’s seriously not what it looks like.”

Was he sure about that?

Because from those photos, it looked like he was fucking me in a field.

It looked like I was some whore who was trying to take the place of her mother.
