Page 10 of Shadow Beasts

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“Umm, admittedly we did not discuss salary terms at my interview, but this cannot be correct.”

Jo lifted the receiver. “I can give her a call–“

“No,” Paige said, waving her hand in the air. “I’m not– I’m not complaining or asking for a change, but surely this is a typo is what I mean.”

Jo’s lips formed a frown, and she lifted her eyebrows as she peeked over the top of the sheet Paige held. After a slow shake of her head, she said, “No, that’s what she told me. Two hundred and fifty.”

“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?” Paige choked out. “You’re sure?”

“That’s what she said. Like I said, if you were expecting more, I can call her…“ She poked a finger at the phone.

“No, no,” Paige answered, shaking her head as she balanced the pen between her thumb and forefinger. “Just wanted to be sure.”

With an arched eyebrow, Paige scratched her signature across the third page, agreeing to the salary more than four times anything she’d ever thought she’d make.

“And if you have a check on you, we’ll attach that so you can get paid with direct deposit. If you don’t have one, just bring one in before Friday.”

“Oh, I’ve got one,” Paige announced, rummaging through her bag for her checkbook and tearing a check from within. After voiding it, she handed it over.

Jo stapled it to the contract and added it to the stack. “Okay, next we have the NDA and then the healthcare and retirement stuff, and we’ll have you out of here.”

“NDA?” Paige asked.

“Nondisclosure agreement.”

Paige adjusted her glasses and let out a chuckle. “Yes, I realize what it stands for. I guess I’m not really understanding why there’s an NDA. Can I not share the books we’re archiving?”

Jo chuckled and shrugged. “I really couldn’t tell you. I just know the terms say you cannot disclose anything you work on at the library. Why? I can’t say. I don’t know enough about what archivists handle to conjecture. I’m sure Ronnie can explain if you have more questions.”

Paige nodded and smiled, adjusting her glasses again as she accepted the next form, scanned it, and signed on the indicated line. She completed the paperwork for what appeared to be a generous healthcare plan and retirement package.

“And I think Ronnie said you had your keys already and your keycard. Then, we’ll just need to snap a photo for your ID and connect it to your keycard.”

“Okay!” Paige said as she leapt to her feet.

“Ronnie said to meet her tomorrow morning at nine, and she’ll give you a tour, show you your workspace, and get you started.”

“Okay, great.”

“Oh, before I forget,” Jo said, bending over and grabbing a thick red folder, “here’s your onboarding information. Tells you how to access your email, healthcare portal, all that good stuff.”

Paige accepted the folder and stuffed it into her tote as Jo led her from the cube. Her rubber soles squeaked across the tiles as she bustled toward another blue cubicle.

She knocked on the plastic rim and poked her head inside. A glasses-clad man with shaggy blond hair twisted to face her.

“I got the new girl. She needs an ID.”

“All right,” the man answered, already clicking around on his computer.

Jo smiled at Paige and waved her into the workspace. “Brenden will get you all taken care of.”

Paige settled into the plastic chair in the room as the sound of Jo’s squeaking shoes grew fainter. She bumped her glasses higher on her nose and turned to find a large image of her face sprawled across Brenden’s monitor.

“Okay, ready?” he inquired after a minor adjustment to the camera perched on the top of his monitor.

“Yes,” Paige answered, forcing a smile onto her face. Her lips formed an O as she added, “Oh, wait!”

Brenden clicked his mouse button, capturing an image of a shocked-looking Paige. A printer across the space revved up, and a small plastic card spit out seconds later.
