Page 106 of Shadow Beasts

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Paige stumbled back a step, raising her arms to cover her face as she prepared for the inevitable strike and the pain that would ensue after it.

Nothing came.

She continued to brace herself, her lips pulling back into a wince.

“Paige!” Dewey whispered, tapping her head.

“Huh?” Paige pulled her arms away.

The wolf raced down the hall away from her, loping across the foyer and disappearing into another wing.

Her forehead crinkled in confusion as she stared after him. “What happened?”

“I don’t know, but we need to go!” Dewey said.

She twisted her head to glance down the hall.

The two men had spotted them and morphed into wolves, racing toward them.

Paige’s eyes widened, and she sprinted away from them. Dewey clung to her shoulder, his claws digging into her skin to stay upright and hang on to her. Paige hit the marbled foyer floor and slid into a spin, twisting toward the front door.

Her sneakers slipped as she scrambled for the exit. She banged into the thick wood and twisted the lock before flinging it open.

Cool night air caressed her skin as she darted out the door. The sound of claws scraping against the marble behind her forced her to run faster toward the small SUV parked a short distance away.

She dug in her hoodie pocket for the keys and frantically pressed the unlock button as she raced toward the vehicle.

She flung the door open and dove inside. Dewey flew off her shoulder and into the passenger seat. Paige pulled the door closed, but it bounced off the overloaded carrier hanging at her hip.

“The bag!” Dewey shouted.

Paige hauled it into the car and slammed the door shut before clicking the lock button as the wolves reached the car. Their yellowed fangs dripped with saliva while one clambered onto the hood and the other scratched the driver’s window.

“Drive!” Dewey shouted.

Paige fired the engine and threw the shifter into reverse, slamming her foot onto the gas. The wolf on the hood flew off as she raced backward before slamming on her brakes and pulling the shifter into drive.

She stepped on the gas again as the other wolf darted in front of her. With a sharp turn of the wheel, she peeled down the driveway, clipping the ends of the wolf’s thick fur.

Dewey balanced on the seat, staring behind them. “They’re chasing us. Go faster.”

“I’m trying!” Paige said as she urged more speed from the car.

She took the sharp curve on two wheels before picking up more speed as she approached the gate.

“Oh no,” she murmured.

“What is it?” Dewey asked, flicking his gaze forward.

“The gate’s still closed.”

“Blow it!” Dewey said, plopping into the seat and pulling the seat belt around him.

He clicked it into place and braced himself for the impact, his dark eyes squeezing closed and his lips pressing together into a thin line.

Paige tightened her grip on the steering wheel, pressing herself back into the seat behind her while she clenched her jaw and sped toward the metal bars. She shrieked when the car slammed into the black gate, smashing it open. Sparks flew off the hood as the metal scraped against metal.

“We did it!” she shouted as she continued to speed along the winding drive. “We’re out!”
