Page 111 of Shadow Beasts

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“Just texting my super to feed Dickens for the next few days,” she answered before she dumped the phone and continued through the door, finding a small hallway with a bathroom on one side and a bedroom on the other.

Paige stared at the enormous bed, every muscle in her body eager to stretch out in it.

“Eight hours of blissful sleep, Paige. Way better than napping in my armchair.”

“You aren’t kidding,” she said as the engines roared to life.

She set the carrier down on the mattress and unzipped it.

Dewey flew out, tearing off his costume and tossing it back into the carrier after Paige set it on the floor.

“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll get some sleep.”

“Not at all. I’m going to do a bit of research now that we know the clan involved in this mirror deal. Would you mind if I snuck in later and took a nap? The bed looks big enough to share.”

“Sure,” Paige said with a wink. “I’ll leave you a corner.”

After slipping off her shoes and glasses, she climbed into the bed, sliding under the fluffy duvet and sinking back into the spongy pillows as Dewey flitted out, closing the door behind him.

The hum of the engines droned in her ears as the plane lurched forward, rumbling from within the hangar to the runway. The last thing she felt was the wheels leave the pavement before she drifted off to sleep.

* * *

A violent shaking forced Paige awake from a nightmare in which a faceless creature chased her. She gasped as she shot up, sucking in a sharp breath at her unrecognized surroundings. Her heart thudded, and the room wobbled while a wave of lightheadedness passed over her.

A moment later, she recognized the drone of the plane’s engines. The memory of falling asleep in the plane’s generous bed flooded back to her seconds later. She swiped at the beads of sweat on her forehead as her heart returned to normal speed.

She flicked on the bedside lamp and slid her glasses on to glance at the time on her cell phone. It had been over seven hours since they’d taken off. Not much longer to go, she thought, as she collapsed back into the pillows.

After a moment, she tore off the duvet, slipped on her shoes, and stretched to stand. She shuffled from the bedroom into the narrow hall, pushing through the door into the main cabin.

Gentle snoring rose from the couch. Paige glanced over to find the tiny teal dragon passed out on his back, one arm flung across his chest. She smiled down at him as she tugged the RP device from under his shoulder and collapsed into the chair at the table.

After pressing a few buttons, the screen bloomed to life. A picture of a Mayan pyramid filled the screen. Paige scrolled to find more information.

“Oh, hey, Paige,” Dewey said with a sleepy yawn.

She toggled off the screen and glanced over her shoulder. He stretched one small arm up and rolled his head around to loosen his neck.

“Hi. Sorry if I woke you.”

Dewey buzzed over to the table and plopped into a seat across from her. “How much longer is the flight?”

“We’ve been in the air over seven hours, so not too much longer.”

“Good,” Dewey said. “I can’t wait to get this talisman.”

“To be honest, neither can I,” Paige said. “And then we can concentrate on the mirror.” She waved the RP in the air. “Did you find anything in your research?”

“I just started to look at a few sites before I dozed off. I didn’t find much, but I think the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza were on your list, right?”

Paige nodded, recalling the name as she toggled the screen on again.

“I think it may be a good starting place in our search for the mirror.”

“I’ve never been there, have you?”

Dewey shot her an unimpressed stare. “Oh, sure. I’ve been there lots of times.”
