Page 121 of Shadow Beasts

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“Yeah,” Dewey said from within the confines of the carrier. “And quick. I’m getting cold.”

“Seriously? I nearly froze to the pavement, and you’re cold?”

“Yeah, well, I had to sit outside for that extra ten minutes or so. It took a toll.”

“I’m going as fast as I can,” Paige said, hustling toward a well-lit area in the city. “There’s a cab.”

She waved her hand to hail it and slid into the back seat after the cabbie pulled over. “Moscow Private Air Club, please.”

They arrived at the airstrip without further incident, then they boarded the plane again for the trip to Central America. Paige sprawled on the couch as the engines revved.

“Whew, it’s good to be back here. And three-dimensional.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Dewey said with a shake of his head as he unloaded the golden cube containing the Seepy Sap from Paige’s tote. “I told you this stuff was finicky.”

“Finicky isn’t the word. At least we got what we went for.”

Dewey nodded, drawing the talisman from the pocket of her tote. “And with any luck, we’ll soon have the mirror, and we can concentrate on finding information to heal your beast wound.”

“Not a moment too soon,” Paige said. “The way my luck runs, I’ll expire before my due date.”

Dewey looped the silver chain around her neck, letting the crescent moon hang down on her hoodie. “This should help you stay safe, at least.”

Paige stared down at it, noting the purple stone in the middle. “What kind of stone is this?”

“Purple moonstone. It shields the wearer from being able to be identified when the vampire is in beast form. Keep it on at all times. Never take it off. Not ever.”

Paige nodded as she fingered the moonstone. “Let’s hope it does its job.”

Dewey nodded at her, settling on the love seat perpendicular to her. “And now to the mirror.”

“Yes, about that. How sure are you that it’s near Chichen Itza?”

“Given the research you did, coupled with the recent werewolf activity, all signs point to the mirror being somewhere there.”

“What should we expect when we get there?”

“I’ve already contacted the closest library. They’re arranging a guide and supplies for us to enter the jungle and head to the site. What we should expect while there is another matter entirely. Though, I’m certain it’ll be filled with tourists during the day.”

“Hmm, that may be for the best. Surely the werewolves won’t strike with people milling around.”

“Don’t put anything past those hairy buggers, Paige. If they’re vying for the mirror, they’ll try to get it no matter what. And that includes harming you or us.”

Paige nodded as she rubbed the crescent moon’s center stone. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Dewey nodded as he dug into Paige’s bag and pulled his RP device from it. He punched a throw pillow before flopping back onto it, kicking his legs out, and crossing his ankles as he toggled on the screen.

“More research?” Paige asked, tugging a blanket over her legs.

“No. Thought I’d do a little web surfing before another nap.”

Paige yawned and stretched. “Mmm, sounds good to me. I’m so tired. Being a blob really takes it all out of you.”

“I’m sure the beast wound isn’t helping either. Get some rest.”

Paige nestled into one of the soft throw pillows and tugged the blanket up to her chin, clutching the soft fabric between her fingers. She fidgeted for a few moments until she found a comfortable position, then exhaled a long, deep breath as she let her eyes slowly slide shut.

A small chuckle made her pop them open again. With narrowed eyes, she studied the little dragon across from her. He giggled at something on his screen before tapping at the device and settling back deeper into the pillow.
