Page 123 of Shadow Beasts

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Paige greeted them both with a smile. “I’m Paige Turner, the librarian from Shadow Harbor, and this is my archivist, Dewey.”

She popped the top of the carrier open, allowing them to shake hands with the small dragon.

“We have everything prepared for you to travel to Chichen Itza and for a guide to take you farther into the jungle to the other temple site.” Ana motioned to the car with a smile.

Paige scanned the horizon as the words echoed in her mind. Traveling into a remote region while werewolves chased her was the last thing she wanted to do. She tried to bolster her nerves and stop her legs from wobbling as she walked to the car. She had no choice. The fate of the world hung in the balance.


Paige tugged the door open, blowing out a steadying breath before she slid into the back seat with Dewey’s carrier next to her. She fanned herself as Juan slid into the driver’s seat, and they set off. Heat washed over her, half from the weather and half from nerves.

“I should have brought some cooler clothes,” Paige said, forcing her mind away from her fear. She unzipped the top of Dewey’s carrier, and he popped his head out.

Ana twisted to face her. “We have clothes and knapsacks ready for you at the library. We will stop there first, then go to the primary temple site to meet the guide.” She flicked her gaze to the dragon sticking out of the carrier. “Oh, you may want to leave him in the archive so the guide does not see him.”

“Now, wait just a minute, lady,” Dewey started, but Paige cut him off.

Paige tugged the black bag closer to her. “Dewey stays with me. We’ll take his carrier. As far as the guide is concerned, he’s my pet dog.”

Ana offered a tentative smile and a nod before returning her gaze to the front. Dewey gave Paige a fist bump and a thumbs-up. She winked at him.

After a brief stop at the Chichen Itza branch of the library, they climbed back into the car. Paige appreciated the lightweight T-shirt and shorts they’d provided her as she stepped out into the already humid weather at the temple site.

The large pyramid structure rose into the cloudless blue sky. Massive stone steps climbed to the square top on every side. The head of the feathered serpent, Kukulcan, opened its massive jaws at the bottom of one staircase.

“This is the Temple of Kukulcan,” Ana said as they strode toward it. “Your message mentioned another site deeper in the jungle, though?”

“Yes,” Paige answered. “We don’t believe the mirror is in the Temple of Kukulcan, but rather at an alternate site nearby. We’d like to go straight to that temple if you don’t mind.”

“Of course.”

Ana strode toward another dark-haired man with a large backpack strapped onto his back and a machete hanging at his side. “This is Mateo. He’ll be taking us into the jungle.”

Paige shook his hand, introducing herself and her pet dog, Dewey, before they set off, traveling in a southwesterly direction. They left behind the ruins of the ancient temple and the bustle of tourists visiting it and trekked into the canopy of trees.

Within thirty minutes, Paige found her shirt soaked with sweat from the humid hike. She continued through the jungle, following Mateo, Ana, and Juan with Dewey’s carrier bouncing off her hip.

They hiked deeper into the jungle for over two hours before the trees began to clear. In the center of the clearing, another temple rose. Similar in structure to the Temple of Kukulcan, though smaller, the temple featured a stone sculpture of a serpent, though not Kukulcan.

“This must be the temple they built around the portal leading to the domicile of Xibalcan, the demon serpent,” Dewey hissed.

“Yeah,” Paige said, her nose wrinkling as she continued their trek toward it through the remaining trees. “I’m not sure I want to go in.”

“We have to go in!” Dewey said.

“I know, I know. I’m just saying.” She entered the clearing and circled around the temple structure.

Mateo, their guide, rested on a stone nearby, sipping his water after the hard hike.

“Is there an entrance?” Paige questioned.

Juan pointed to the top of the stairs. “Up there,” he answered.

“Of course,” Paige said with a sigh.

Ana nodded to her. “If you need us, call us. We will keep watch out here. There has been recent werewolf activity in the area.”

“Thanks,” Paige said, placing her foot on the first step.
