Page 127 of Shadow Beasts

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“No, it’s not modern-day language. But I know where I saw it.” Dewey darted back toward the entrance to the bone chamber.

“Where?” Paige asked as she hurried after him, shooting a disdainful glance at the skeletons.

“In the hall with the mirror mural.” Dewey flitted into the hallway again and searched the walls. “Here!”

He waved his paw at a specific spot on the wall. Paige closed the gap between them and studied the drawings. They matched the ones in the bone chamber.

“It’s a match. You’re right.”

“And this is in the write-up about the mirror. They must be related. Let’s search around the matching depiction in the bone chamber to see if we can find anything about the mirror.”

“Okay,” Paige agreed with a nod as they returned to the other chamber.

She dug her cell phone from her pocket and toggled on her flashlight, sweeping the beam around the wall near the matching drawing.

“I don’t see anything,” she admitted.

Dewey trained his flashlight on the floor below them. Skulls littered the stone at their feet. He dove toward them and swiped them aside.

“Eww, Dewey, stop that!” Paige shrieked.

Dewey continued to rake the skulls and any other bones aside with his paw.

“Dewey!” Paige shouted again.

“I think there’s something under them,” Dewey said as he continued to dig through the pile.

Paige furrowed her brow and wrinkled her nose. “What?”

Dewey stopped his quest to seek the bottom of the pile. He flicked the light up to the symbols matching those in the corridor. “I think this says the bodies hide the secret.”

Paige stared at the symbols, her forehead crinkling as she failed to determine how he’d come to that conclusion. “I thought you didn’t read Mayan?”

“I don’t. But the symbols were above a part of the mural where several people had their arms linked together around the mirror.”

“How are you translating that to mean these skeletons are guarding the mirror?”

“Well, the drawing was odd. They looked dead. They were painted in gray, unlike the other people in the mural. I think it means the dead are guarding the mirror. Their bodies are literally hiding an entrance to the chamber housing the mirror.”

Paige pursed her lips, staring down at the human remains. “Uh…”

“Help a dragon out and move some of these.”

Paige crinkled her nose at the idea of touching the skulls or any other body parts.

“Come on, Paige!” Dewey encouraged as he shuffled skulls around.

“I can’t. It’s gross.”

Dewey flicked the light into her face. She shielded her eyes with her arm.

“Dig deep. I can’t move all this on my own.”

Paige’s lips formed a deep frown, and she flicked her foot at a few of the skulls. She caught one near the bottom of a pile, its jaw clamping onto her shoe.

“Ah!” she shrieked. “It bit me! Get it off! Get it off!”

She danced around on one foot, desperately trying to kick the skull from her boot.
