Page 21 of Shadow Beasts

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Pounding footsteps crossed the room, approaching her hiding spot. Paige climbed into the tub and pulled the curtain across, hiding behind the flimsy plastic covered in cheery rubber ducks.

A shuddering exhalation passed through her lips as she crouched inside the porcelain bathtub. Silence filled the air. Paige held her breath as she waited.

Was she safe? Had the creature gone?

A boom on the wooden door standing between her and it answered her question. Paige clutched at the tile as a sob escaped her. Another pound on the door sounded.

She closed her fingers around the edge of the thick plastic and peered out. Would the door hold? The towel swayed as another impact slammed into the wood, then the blood-red fabric dropped in a heap to the floor.

Silence filled the air again. Her respiration came in gasps as she waited.

An ear-splitting boom resounded, and the door splintered in the center. Shards of wood skittered across the black- and white-tiled floor. Another bang cracked the door in half. It swung inward from the center like a saloon door.

The black creature chuffed as it stepped inside the small space, its eyes scanning for Paige. She shrank farther down into the tub. A cry escaped her even while she struggled to remain silent. The creature growled as it stalked toward her hiding spot.

A crackling grumble rose from its throat as it stood on the other side of the shower curtain. A fuzzy shadow in the thick plastic, it stood for a moment before leaning closer. It moved closer to her, and Paige felt the heat rolling off the creature’s body as it moved closer to her.

Her lips twisted into a grimace as sobs wracked her body. Fingers with razor-sharp claws reached to the top of the curtain, wrapping around it before tugging it down.

The flimsy fabric escaped from the rings. They rattled around the metal pole. The creature balled the plastic and tossed it aside, its red eyes fixating on Paige’s trembling form, crouched in the tub, and clutching her knees.

“No, please,” she wept, her vision clouded by tears.

Dark lips pulled back, and bright-white fangs gleamed in the minimal light. A massive hand, fingers outstretched, reached toward her.

Her mouth opened wide in a blood-curdling scream as hot hands wrapped around her shoulders and fiery breath wafted past her cheeks.

Paige continued to shriek as her body trembled with fear and hot tears rolled down her fair cheeks. The creature’s claws raked against her back’s delicate skin.

Another sound pierced the chaos. A scream, similar to hers but different at the same time. The creature whipped its head to stare behind it.

Paige scrambled from the tub, attempting to skirt the beast and dart through the open bathroom door.

But she never made it.


With a gasp, her eyes fluttered open. Bright sunshine streamed through her window as she lay on her side, safely tucked under her well-worn duvet.

The alarm screamed the arrival of the next day. Her first day of work.

Paige slapped the small red clock and rolled onto her back with a groan. A small ball of fur warmed her side. She stroked his fur before she planted her palm against her forehead.

“What a nightmare,” she groaned as details of the dream floated through her mind.

After a deep breath, she slid her glasses on, tossed back the covers, and dragged herself from her bed. She shuffled into the bathroom and turned on the water in her shower-tub combo. With a few twists of the handles, she adjusted the water temperature before shambling to the mirror above the sink.

She studied her pale face as images of the horror she’d endured in her dream flickered through her brain. Absentmindedly, she twisted her long locks into a high bun to escape the shower’s stream.

She tore herself away as the mirror began to steam, set her glasses on the sink’s edge, and stepped into the shower. Warm water cascaded over her. She spun to wet her back, wincing as the water splashed on her skin.

“Ow,” she moaned, grimacing and craning her neck to peer over her shoulder. She identified nothing within her view.

She finished her shower and wrapped her burgundy towel around her, then she pushed back the rubber ducky shower curtain and stepped onto her fluffy bathmat.

As she tucked the corner of the towel into place, she winced. Pain bloomed as the pressure of the fabric’s edge pressed into her back. She stepped to the mirror and wiped the steam away with her palm. With her glasses cleared of any fog, she slid them onto her nose.

She loosened the towel and twisted her back toward the mirror. Her jaw dropped open, and she stretched to reach her back, tracing a long red scratch with her finger.
